I've selected my victims. What I've got here makes your crappy scraps look like jewels, Sea XD
It's the typical 7th grade animu. I'm ashamed I ever did it, but it was where I started:
Yumiko Hanazaki. Obvious Black Rose ripoff. I'm going to alter the hair and outfit to where hopefully it's not much of a blatant rip off. This piece is about 6 years old now.
Jack Harlow. He was in the same comic as Yumiko. I never really drew his outfit, so I guess it's mostly a total new version XD
Sloie. This character was originally created alongside Arei, which makes her first incarnations 10 years old (holy shit). This was from 2004, however I've drawn her since 2002 atleast. I cannot find the horrifying picture of how I used to draw with the heads 1000x larger than the bodies, but it makes this look like a masterpiece .___.
Eventually became a shitty KH OC. So I'll make it look like an obvious but hopefully not as horribly drawn KH character just for shits and giggles.
One of the more recent incarnations of Arei. This was probably from 2005 or 06. I have a new picture of her from 07 I think, where I got rid of the crazy shirt design, but I'm just gonna go for something else entirely while still trying to stick with the flowy theme.
I'm also going to do a new version of this craptasic piece more as a, learn how to draw more dynamic shit practice, but I guess it somewhat counts: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v321/otakurealm/Living_in_Sin_by_squeegoddess.jpg
Gaaaaaah that's such shit. That was before I ever learned anything about proper inking and using the damn line tool. It's still from a story that holds a lot of meaning so, I think its worth giving it another shot so something less offensive then this can return to my gallery .___.
I dunno how much better it will be. I've been sort of stalled for 2 years as drawing is something I'd do when I felt good, and well >_>