How about implementing some One Piece customized Smileys and emoticons on the foruns?
Yea, that would be really cool. And have different smilies for each character so we could choose our favorite characters for smilies.
YEAAAAAAAH! That'd make me King of OP smilies!!! :D
It looks cool but who will be the ones designing them? It wont be easy though.
but it would be awesome and someone should do it.!
Aren't there mini OP smileys on the Kaizoku-Fansubs forums though? They mark them with little Luffy smileys and Chopper smileys. You can ask who did them and if they'd make new ones or import the current ones here if your interest is that high. I personally do not use smileys that much.
i'll be happy if we only get this one
:D -
Originally posted by Majek@Feb 21 2005, 12:24 AM
**i'll be happy if we only get this one
[snapback]4969[/snapback]**Haha.. Really cute pirate. ^^
If there are smilies of those.
For One Piece it should be doable.
well, again, we would need someone who can MAKE such thing.
You would think it wouldn't be hard. It sucks trying to make them 20px square and still be able to tell what you are looking at.
This is the work of two minutes so be kind - I slapped this together with a quickness so it sucks pretty hard (and I stole and hacked apart another smiley to do it - bad normyk!).At 32px square
At 20px square
At 20px square no sword
It becomes pretty hard to get any degree of recognizable detail when you get that small. Even at 32 you can barely tell he has a sword in his mouth much less 20.
I might play around some tonight and see if I can create anything that is decent. Not likely though. -
:lol: he looks like some random thug. Good idea on the smile emoticon though. I think I prefer the no-sword one though.
Originally posted by Miss White day@Mar 1 2005, 02:28 PM
:lol: he looks like some random thug. Good idea on the smile emoticon though. I think I prefer the no-sword one though.
[snapback]9063[/snapback]Yeah, I didn't like the way it came out (couldn't tell there was a sword) which is why I made the no-sword one.
When I get home from work I'm going to play around and see if I can't make something decent. -
^ my friend made this, so i could see if he could make some for OP. Then again, he doesnt watch or read it, so ill have to coax him into it. -
I can't make them small enough! Grr….
This is about as small as I can force this before it gets too hard to tell what it is. -
Originally posted by normyk@Mar 2 2005, 04:41 AM
**I can't make them small enough! Grr….
This is about as small as I can force this before it gets too hard to tell what it is.
[snapback]9265[/snapback]**Whaa!! You're awsome!
Wow… nice
Woah….cool Luffy emo!!!
Wow, this one is nice. I don't mind the size.
Could you try a Chopper one? :D -
I'm gonna try Chopper tonight. I have a feeling he'll be huge to accomodate the antlers and hat. I'm still going to try to whittle down Luffy some more. I think I can make him shrink if I hard-line the smile. It will remain reasonably clear even at a smaller size (I hope).
Nice Luffy, but I like the Kakashi one better.
if you make another zoro one you could put on his bandana instead of a sword in his mouth