mhh lets see..:happy:
1.feeling the development of the story and also of the charas,amazing how oda showed us the way of a ambitious boy and his way to the top..
there are no "gaps" or suddenly the chara seems to be "mystical" stronger for new opponents and like said before..the great story always gets better from chapter to chapter…and the chapter you wouldn`t consider as "awesome" are just in the right place and when you look at it just "a must have" for the whole story ...
2.speaking about art...also developed a lot over the time...and now it`s rly a lot of mangas so far and OP is rly amazing in his love in little details...for example in the colourspreads you will see how much love oda shows to his work...he wants nearly perfection..
also amazing how he shows us interaction of the crew just in the backround(look at will see so many amusing things in the backround),think about pandaman, gives this hole manga a great feeling...a charme of a "real existing world"
3.seeing how oda uses charas...and rly think about unnecassary introduced charas...all are in a way unique and even small charas have something to laugh about and dont just give the reader the expression.."ohh a guy who tells how the story has to go on orso" and like said before charas aren
t just "used"...even after a arc we get some infos about how they lived on (in coverstorys or later roles in the story)
4.the crew..noone seems unnecassary..all have more or less a great chara(development) and here we see how far-fetched oda creates new charas...not just role-model-human charas...he even introduced new species like the fishman or giants into the OP-world and you dont get the feeling..."ehhh now he
s gone to far." now it shows how creativ his whole story is with a lot of fantasy but still doesnt seems to be tooo unrealistic(kay every reader could this see in a negative way and thinks it
s too far-fetched but i rly think it`s a great balance)
5.most mangas are about fighting but here are unique fighting styles which arent just because of the DF
s. the SH are always improving their unique fighting styles and every fight isnt boring or repeating other fights from the pasts...always great and i enjoy also minor fights cause they
re creativ
6.GOD DAMN IMPORTANT POINT..OP never lost his was said before that DB for example lost his genius roots...OP found the perfect balance between getting serious more and more we come to the end of the story,but still having his unique humour and his running gags who are most of the time rly amusing(some are not my taste but still i appreciate THAT there are gags!!! thats why i love usopp...he is like the guarantee that the humour will always be in OP..(he`s also a great example in development of a chara:)
7.the feeling of traveling and searching after new adventures ...alll islands are unique and always exiting to "discover" a new environment ..every island is like a new little world in this huge universe of OP..also great to see how on every island the inhabitans have unique techniques how to handle their environment(like at shandora the dials,at shabondy the bubbles,at water 7 the yagaras just for example) shows the love oda gives in creating this world..
it`s like you travel in other universes while you read OP and thats a great adventure(reference:"dream of a child comes true")
8.last i can now think of...the villains
fits to the charas but i find it damn important how the villains are...sometimes i like the villains more than the "good guys"..and in OP there are rly good villains...they look cool,theyre mean(damn about sir croc i dreamed at night :tongue:-ohh long time ago hehe- and also great when i see which charas will in future be the villains for the the system of the 3 admirals,4 yonkous and the shichibukai... but still good and bad aren
t that clear in OP...marines could be the villains,the WG is the most evil in this world instead of actually the pirates which are non the less also real life there isnt just black or it
s controverse that we are actually cheering for the "bad ones" :getlost::happy:
but still villains aren`t just villains in OP..they have their own ambition and believes and so they look more "human" than other villains in mangas and at least you understand their actions...not just "i am damn mean ..harhar i destroy har har) (but still waiting for a psychokiller in OP )
9.some smaller points collected
-great story twists(like right now ,i think it will be good for the whole story but we have to wait hehe)
-the lost history (gives the whole manga a great depth and will connect all parts so that we will in the end yeah thats why it was there this way and in the other scene it was like that)
-expression on chara faces
-((haveing a conflict between two races fishman\human,a nicce new factor which seemes to put arlong in another light to see how this oda will use))
edit: how oda gives us clues and scenes which he than takes 100chapters later to his story...just show his damn great planning of his arcs and his whole story which is never lost between the arcs out of the eyes
-and he don`t push with all might the story in a direction...he gives himself time to try new things and to play with his charas(like skypia-arc\foxy-arc\thriller bark-arc) which could be skipped in the end but gives the whole story a nicce touch of being rly a adventure and not just going to the next best fighter after the last..
10.the emotion...OP can be rly touching even it`s a humour-action manga...i just want to remember you at scenes like nami asking for help against arlong( i cried the first time cause of a manga:sad:)
robins past and than the declaration of war(damn nicce)...
11.values are shown (like friendship,fighting against not right things,freedom) you as reader get what the charas are think that is right and you could agree or not (hehe kay its a shonen so it
s not that much too think about and maybe you could interpret this as a "teaching in values of the society" ---but still we`re cheering for the ones who do the in the end we will see (after the WG is destroyed orso) that you still have to "change" things
kay this should it be puhhh would have been less work if i just wrote what i criticise on this series...but it`s not without a reason since close 10 yrs my favorite manga