OK, i'm thinking of getting a DS Lite pretty soon, because my old DS has a messed up touch screen and L button, and I want to know what colour I should get. I'm asking this because I heard different coloured Lites have different 'feels' to them. Can anyone clarify this for me?
DS Lite?
The three colors I know of are pink, blue, and black. It's really just a matter of personal taste, really. I have the black one, and the only bad thing I have to say about it is that it gets marked up by fingerprints very easily.
What do you mean by "feel"? They all should be the same. Just go for whatever colour you like best. Personally, I like the red one. But that's me.
OK, thanks - I was worried by smudges, so I'll just go with a lighter colour.
The three colors I know of are pink, blue, and black.
Cobalt Red,Cobalt Blue,and the colors that Japan get.
But the light colored ones gets dirty fast and you can scratches clearly, thats why i got a black one.
Out of all those… I'd probably get black, but yeah, it probably gets noticeable smudges. I usually get grey, grey works for everything. But they don't have greys? The original DS was grey...
Out of all those… I'd probably get black, but yeah, it probably gets noticeable smudges. I usually get grey, grey works for everything. But they don't have greys? The original DS was grey...
The UK has Silver, which is kinda like grey.
It's stupid that different countries have different colors.
It's stupid that different countries have different colors.
We're getting that "silver" one this month. Hey at least we got crimson :happy:
I got a special pack that allowed me to get a red and black DS, along with the purchase of Brain Age 2.
I'm considering getting a Lite, too, and personally I like Blue and Black DS. I've had the old style DS since it's release date and the R button is practically dead, and the scratches on the touch screen are getting worse, even when I try to prevent it as much as possible.
My brother has had a (white) Lite for about a year or two, and it has a cracked hinge and really dirty shoulder buttons.
Aaand I'll be getting Jump Ultimate Stars to celebrate getting a Lite :happy:.
The only colors I've seen in retail stores near me was white, red, pink, black, and grey. So I ordered mine online from some place that custom orders Game systems(paints them whatever color, clear cases, leds, etc) And it was only $15 more than the actual price of retail. Mind ended up being a darkish blue color…