If they will make it I hope it doesn't suck.
Oh and make Sinister the villian.
X-Men: First Class
Wait an X-Men based movie that WON'T have Wolverine?! How can they not put the cash cow in the film?!
I've never been a big fan of Wolverine so I'm more keen to see this than the Wolverine spin off.
It could be their way to tie it into the rest of the Marvel movies
It could be their way to tie it into the rest of the Marvel movies
That's just what I was thinking. Very cool if this goes through, and that's the purpose.
I'm kind of hoping they'll be able to tie Spider-Man into this "Marvel Movieverse" thing they're trying to set up. At first I didn't think it was likely, since the goal was supposedly for an Avengers movie, and Spidey was never much more than a reserve member (aside from recent stuff, I believe). But the X-Men weren't either, so now, who knows?
Damnit! covers face in tears
I try so hard not to be youthful, but of course, I have a hard time figuring out who the original five were. I knew Cyclops, Jean, and Iceman were amongst them. Then I remembered Beast… And I completely forgot Angel.
I'm assuming (and hoping) Marsden is still Cyc. I'm hoping we get a new Jean... And is Kelsey Grammer STILL possible for Beast...even though he doesn't have fur now?
I bet the same kid is still going to be Iceman... And Queery McQueer Queer is going to be Angel again :getlost:. And it's not that he is gay (he's not, I just don't like the actor). Nobody, with the exception of Kelsey Grammer as Beast, performed their role better than the guy who played Nightcrawler... And we all know what HAPPY tree he fell out of.
Also, if we are to ever include Storm again... PLEASE DROP HALLE! Honestly... Anyone but her. I don't care if you get a white girl to be Storm. As long as she doesn't bitch about having TO BE STORM, I'm happy.
I thought Halle liked the role of Storm. Dang it's The Dark Knight thread all over again.
Anyways, even if this new movie is based on the original five, I wouldn't mind Ellen Page making an appearance as Shadowcat…
Is that Kevin Bacon with that lady in white?
I think I have to watch this movie for January Jones :w00t:
Is that a young Xavier and Magneto?
Thank god wolverine won't be in it (though I'm sad Rogue won't be in it either :( )
X-Men without Gambit. A small price to pay for a film without Wolverine.
Kevin Bacon as Sebastian Shaw? Sounds interesting.
Emma Frost's cleavage is very distracting.
Isn't that the point tho? ^___^
I didn't know Sinestro was in this movie!!!
Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen need to get in on this.
This looks awful.
That poster looks like some cheap scary movie rip-off at best.
@Cyan:Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen need to get in on this.
What have they done to deserve this? We shouldn't have to get decent actors in to make it remotely credible.
That picture isn't Fox-related. Vaughn thinks it's a photoshop cus he checked with production.
Anyway, Jane Goldman, Jonathan Ross's wife is co-penning this.
[qimg][/qimg]What is this I don't even.
I been knew about this shit. Hopefully, Fox can make this good. No Wolverine? Thank God.
And no Gambit??? What the fuck?! -
This has to be photoshop, I can't even begin to describe how many things are wrong with this image.
Well… it IS true to its source material...
I've never read a comic with this version of Magneto before, I can accept being wrong if he has been portrayed like this before, but it looks ridiculous in my opinion. If you're wearing the helmet, wear the armor as well.
The yellow also takes away any intimidation I may feel from Marvel's scariest villain.
I don't seem to remember Magneto ever looking that retarded.
[qimg][/qimg]I don't care that he's not red.
Blue, yellow, and grey?
This color scheme is terrible.
Who designed these costumes? Oedipus?
Just updating
UrbHykKUfTM -
I don't care that he's not red.
Blue, yellow, and grey?
This color scheme is terrible.
Who designed these costumes? Oedipus?
Although, I won't lie. I hate it too.[/hide]
Doesn't this movie have heavy involvement from Bryan Singer? Isn't that reason enough to have a little faith in it?
Magneto looks pretty ARGH though.
They've also already created a plothole because Emma Frost was a teenager in Origins when this movie takes place before that.
i think what's wrong with this movie is that everyone just wants ian mckellen and patrick stewart
otherwise it looks pretty average
Okay…who's the girl with the dragonfly wings and I'm assuming that wasn't Nightcrawler who teleported.
Beast looks pretty good, though nothing will ever beat Kelsey Grammar.
Although, I won't lie. I hate it too.[/hide]
It's much more Magneto having a grey helmet with the rest of the outfit being blue and yellow.
On everyone else (namely Jean), it looks very nice.
i think what's wrong with this movie is that everyone just wants ian mckellen and patrick stewart
otherwise it looks pretty average
Undeniably true.
Okay…who's the girl with the dragonfly wings
Angel Salvador, I think:
Okay…who's the girl with the dragonfly wings and I'm assuming that wasn't Nightcrawler who teleported.
Angel Salvadore and Nightcrawler's father, respectively.
It's much more Magneto having a grey helmet with the rest of the outfit being blue and yellow.
Maybe someone calls him out on it and that's why he paints it.
On everyone else (namely Jean), it looks very nice.
Jean isn't in the movie (I wish she was though, since her character was destroyed in X3).
I thought Jean was one of the original five!
Fuck me. My X-Men knowledge is failing me!
EDIT: I just realized that the red demon who teleported was Azazel! Mystique has a good chance of getting knocked up before this movie is over!
She was (together with Cyclops, Beast, Angel and Iceman).
EDIT: I just realized that the red demon who teleported was Azazel! Mystique has a good chance of getting knocked up before this movie is over!
well she was in bed in the trailer
Wow, just checked what other stuff the writer and director have done and they were responsible for, among others, Kick-Ass and Stardust, so I'm definitely expecting something good, even if the trailer was a bit meh.
X-Men trailers have always been a bit 'meh'.
"Oh look it's Wolverine! Oh look it's Sabertooth! OH LOOK! It's a brief second of a bullshit Emma Frost who is only going to be in the movie for about three seconds, but it'll get you excited anyway."
Shame this is being made by 20th Century Fox, though. They could easily write in the birth of at least Scarlet Witch, and maybe she could make it into the Avengers movie. Unfortunately, there are different licenses for the Avengers and X-Men right now.
They've also already created a plothole because Emma Frost was a teenager in Origins when this movie takes place before that.
Eh, who knows if it was really her. She wasn't even identified by name.
Nevertheless, I believe it's better not to consider X-Men Origins: Wolverine as being completely in canon.
Also, Emma gained her 'diamond' abilities as a mutation much later in the series. I don't know why they keep going, "LOOK! It's Emma! See! She's made of diamonds!"
Honestly, put her in a white bustier with an optional cape. Give her blonde hair and big boobs.
BAM! White Queen.
I'm still rather uneducated on the X-Men universe, so maybe someone can answer me something on Emma Frost here. Is she similar to other characters in the sense she's fuck old but looks young? Cause from what I know of her she's young in the current timeline, or is this film simply putting her in a era where she wasn't even born yet?
I'm still rather uneducated on the X-Men universe, so maybe someone can answer me something on Emma Frost here. Is she similar to other characters in the sense she's fuck old but looks young? Cause from what I know of her she's young in the current timeline, or is this film simply putting her in a era where she wasn't even born yet?
She's around the age of Cyclops and Jean.
She's definitely one of the more mature members of the X-Men, but she is by no means old.
I'd say she's in her mid-thirties, along with Scott and Jean. But that's just me making an assumption about their ages without personal knowledge of their real ages.
Emma was created and placed into the X-Men series in 1980. Much later than the original five. During her existence, far more X-Men existed including Wolverine, Storm, Nightcrawler, and the ever awesome creation of disco and music, Dazzler. Though she has major connections with Xavier, I don't think she'd exist this early in the story without being a teenager.
Though admittedly, it's not really a big deal. Age with these movies won't ever matter. I mean, Gambit would have to be fifty if he's going to exist in a similar time era in mix to Wolverine Origins. And if anyone has been clear of the effects of aging in this series, it's Emma.
Must read more X-Men.. XD
She's around the age of Cyclops and Jean.
She's definitely one of the more mature members of the X-Men, but she is by no means old.
I'd say she's in her mid-thirties, along with Scott and Jean. But that's just me making an assumption about their ages without personal knowledge of their real ages.
Emma was created and placed into the X-Men series in 1980. Much later than the original five. During her existence, far more X-Men existed including Wolverine, Storm, Nightcrawler, and the ever awesome creation of disco and music, Dazzler. Though she has major connections with Xavier, I don't think she'd exist this early in the story without being a teenager.
Though admittedly, it's not really a big deal. Age with these movies won't ever matter. I mean, Gambit would have to be fifty if he's going to exist in a similar time era in mix to Wolverine Origins. And if anyone has been clear of the effects of aging in this series, it's Emma.
Technicality time: actually Dazzler was created after Emma. She and Kitty Pride first appeared in January, 1980. Dazzler appeared a month later, February 1980. (ironically the same month as Shulkie's first appearance)
Twas a good year for the Marvel ladies it seems. I love all four of those ladies.
But I never really meant that Dazzler came before or after White Queen. Much more who was important or frequently existing around the time White Queen was relevant as a villain. But yeah. Dazzler came after Emma.
Always loved the back story toward Dazzler's creation. Such a stupid reason to create a character, but such a good character to be created.
Technicality time: actually Dazzler was created after Emma. She and Kitty Pride first appeared in January, 1980. Dazzler appeared a month later, February 1980. (ironically the same month as Shulkie's first appearance)
Dark Phoenix saga for both of them, if I'm not mistaken.
Really, that story WASN'T about just Jean! Still one of their best.
Am I the only one who thinks this movie is… looking pretty dang bad? The parts with Beast and Magneto look interesting enough, and I'm glad the focus isn't going to be on Scot like the original pilot had written (he's my most hated character), but based off the trailer and the promo shots I can't say I have high hopes for this movie.
It almost looks like a history special but with mutants...
I started reading the X-Men a week or so ago after greatly enjoying UXM. The Stan Lee stuff was awful, but the moment Clairemont took over after the hiatus, everything became much more polished and entertaining, which shows by the fact that his stories still hold up today.
I'm currently in the middle of the Phoenix saga. Can't wait for Kitty to be introduced. I love the overdramatic twerp to death, especially when paired up with Wolverine (Wolverine: First Clas was hilarious). And she was a hell of a lot more awesome as Peter's gf in USM than MJ ever was.
I really need to read the X-Men comics, but just lack the motivation. Also, with this film I guess we don't have to worry about the atrocity that would have been X-Men Origins: Magneto.
Singer put some of the plotlines that were supposed to be in that movie in this one.