_Plot: Silent Hill: Homecoming follows the protagonist Alex Shepherd, a war veteran who returns home from an overseas tour of duty to find that his father and younger brother are missing, and his mother has gone into catatonia. Alex begins to search for his brother, leading him to Silent Hill after searching his hometown of Shepherd's Glen, where he will have to traverse real world areas covered in fog, and also the "Otherworld" version of the same locations.
Game play: will feature real time wounds that show up on both Alex and his enemies. New fighting techniques will be offered as way for Alex to deal with enemies, including grappling and evasive maneuvers.Extra stuff
Combat in the game will take into account Alex's experience as a soldier, and the psychological aspects of other installments of the game will have a part in Homecoming.
Enemies will have upgraded artificial intelligence, adding new ways to attack or avoid enemies.
The game engine used allows all this, and also incorporates realistic physics. For example, if the player bumps into a table, the table itself will move as well as any objects on it. Such interactions with anything in the environment can bring a monster's attention to Alex._
Never played a Silent Hill game in my life but the game did pique my interest at E3.