… and the heaven shall tremble.
edit: game play video -> http://eu.media.blizzard.com/1901200114/_video/gameplay/diablo3-gameplay-en-GB.flv
… and the heaven shall tremble.
edit: game play video -> http://eu.media.blizzard.com/1901200114/_video/gameplay/diablo3-gameplay-en-GB.flv
Wow I thought we seen the last of diablo.
So barb is back and necromancer seems to have upgraded to a witch docter. Barb looks a lot cooler and the doc is intersting, especiablly the zombie wall and the abilty to swarm his own pets.
I just hope the druid makes it back. He's aways been my favorite class.
This is looking unfreakingbelievable. Barbarian looks as sick as ever and the Witch Doctor looks pretty interesting. Can't wait for this to come out, whenever that is.
Instead of this post, pretend that I made a joke about clicking a whole lot.
oh my god…
Oh My God...
rushes outside into a garden field rips clothes off to reveal a dress :blink:
Insane. I knew it was coming, but actually seeing it gives me a whole new sense of excitement.
Can't freaking wait.
When is SC2 coming out?
I gotta make some calls!!!!
It reminds me a lot of Age of Conan, and the new withcdoctor class looks promising and also reminds me of the dark spear trolls in WoW. I hope this will be playable singer player as well, and that all the former classes returns and maybe one more new class. Looking forward to the druid, he was always my favourite. ^^
Can't wait to tell my older brother about this, he's going to freak when he learns that Blizzard finally came through and made another installment for this series.. Though whether or not he'll be able to even play it with his current job situation and two year old son is another matter entirely..
I wonder if the Amazon class will be returning..
can't imagine a male amazon… I mean they had both sexes of the barbarian and witch doctor so they should have it of every other class.
(They do? The pages won't load for me in some places so I didn't come across that bit of info.)
I can't either to be honest.. xD Still it would be interesting to see what Blizzard comes up with for the male Amazon if they ever choose to revive the class.
They do? The pages won't load for me in some places so I didn't come across that bit of info
In the gameplay video they say that the barbarian and witchdoctor they are showing is suddenly joined by the female versions of both classes when the "spring a particularly nasty trap".
wonder if the ability system will be the most like diablo 2 or wow…
something about their concept art depicting the female barbarian bothers me...
why does she have hooves?
Diablo II and Warcraft III were disappointments given the high standard I'd held Blizzard to following their predecessors, I have pretty low expectations for D-III outside of multiplayer, and I haven't even clicked the link but I know it's going to be in fully rendered 3D. I can't appreciate an engine like that.
I can only really hope Blizzard opens a new franchise someday instead of making sequels to their classics.
Wow, looks good. Surprisingly! Here's hoping the story won't be as lame as D2. =/
I can only really hope Blizzard opens a new franchise someday instead of making sequels to their classics.
Well there still is Starcraft Ghost which has been in development hell for awhile now.
SM… that was dropped like ages ago wasn't it?
Here's hoping the story won't be as lame as D2.
I don't recall the story behind D2 properly… The hero from D1 shoved the soulstone containing Diablo into his head right? Then travelled across the lands freed his brothers and set up a base in hell.
What happened when he was defeated? Wasn't his soulstone was crushed alongside those of his brothers?
SM… that was dropped like ages ago wasn't it?
The last time I read up on it it was still in development apparently set for a release in 2010 (I think) like I said this game's been in development hell for awhile.
Something like that, the Soulstones were either hidden or destroyed in Mount Arreat. I never actually beat LOD, I preferred just plain D2.
When was the last time you cheacked SM? if you lok on their site they don't list it anywere. the only games in development are SC2 and D3.
What happened when he was defeated? Wasn't his soulstone was crushed alongside those of his brothers?
That old scrawny guy from the pub in the opening sequence handed a soulstone (I think it was Baal's) over to the hooded guy he thought was Tyrael the Archangel. Turns out it was the wanderer who contained Diablo again, and he set the guy ablaze. All to be continued in the Lord of Destruction expansion pack.
......At least, thats how I THINK it goes.....bah, its been too long.
I'm psyched, all ya haters can go eat a dick.
I'm digging the new design of the Barbarian in this one.
When was the last time you cheacked SM? if you lok on their site they don't list it anywere. the only games in development are SC2 and D3.
Well I can't remember exactly where I heard it but this is one piece of the puzzle.
Can't remember if this came before or after the info I heard.
Well that is just saying that it's not being made but that they wish that they could pick it up somewhere in the future? :wassat:
Yea from another story I looked up that's spot on while the 2010 thing was an unconfirmed rumor.
In the end though, isn't Starcraft Ghost still part of the Starcraft franchise, not new ground? Even if it's a spin-off, it's probably going to be at least SC related.
yeah SC ghost was/is intended to be set in the starcraft universe, but it's a shooter instead of rts. complaining that they are connected through the story even though the concept is completly new for a blizzard game is just silly.
complaining that they are connected through the story even though the concept is completly new for a blizzard game is just silly.
I don't see why it's silly.
I'm looking for a story that creates a whole new universe, or at least sets the groundwork for one (since anything beyond that tends to sour under the Blizzard pen) and builds the game around that. What type of game it is doesn't really matter, just so long as it's unrelated to Warcraft, Starcraft or Diablo.
I don't see why it's silly.
I'm looking for a story that creates a whole new universe, or at least sets the groundwork for one (since anything beyond that tends to sour under the Blizzard pen) and builds the game around that. What type of game it is doesn't really matter, just so long as it's unrelated to Warcraft, Starcraft or Diablo.
I stand by my previous statement. I think you are just being silly.
sooooo… Diablo...
I really like the design of what i've seen of the dungeons. The way the enemies crawled up the side of that stone bridge was really intense. And as we all know, that Is just the tip of the insane hordes of creatures iceberg that Blizzard is going to throw at us
"The Witch Doctor will be able to summon pets to fight for him, manipulate the minds of enemies, and cripple opponents."
So he's just like the Necromancer?
*YuGiOh Abridged Series Reference
"In my game, you summon a monster to fight….."So it's just like Dual Monsters......
As far as I'm concerned, he IS the Necromancer unless noted differently in the future.
Not that its a bad thing, the Necromancer was probably my favorite class in Diablo II next to the Paladin, since I still have a soft spot for the "middle-ground" jobs/classes.
I liked the Necromancer too.
As long as we get something remotely close to the Sorceress, I'm happy.
I was always a Barbarian type. Liked getting up close to my enemies and dismantling them.
I think that the archetypes of Diablo II's characters will live on - a melee/offensive fighter, a melee/support fighter, a ranged fighter, a nuking caster, and a cursing/summoning caster, all of whom can hybridize and divert from traditional roles. It was a balance that worked almost perfectly in Diablo II, and I don't think it will be changed up THAT much in Diablo III. The question is, exactly what is Blizzard going to give us? And how will female characters differ from male characters now that we can choose genders?
Now, I'm definitely curious to see exactly what these classes will be. One of them will probably be a Paladin, because Blizzard loves Paladins, but I really want to see what the new casters are like. My favorite characters to use in D-II were the Sorceress and Necromancer (never played the expansion).
And how will female characters differ from male characters now that we can choose genders?
Think it's how they look only. I'm kinda hoping we get to costumize the facial feutures for the characters. They might just have been trying out different looks for the barbarian in the concept art though…
Hm… well... my guess is that there will be female-exclusive and male-exclusive pieces of equipment, and that's all. Anything too far beyond that might create a gender imbalance, which is almost the worst kind of imbalance you can create (imagine the uproar if male characters end up somehow inferior to females or vice-versa).
And I stand by my earlier statement - the general character archetypes won't be changing. The last three classes are going to be a ranged class, a sorcerer/sorceress class, and a melee class with an emphasis on defensive/support skills. They might change the names, but not the playstyles.
my guess is that there will be female-exclusive and male-exclusive pieces of equipment, and that's all.
They say in the vid that armour will look different on different characters. Don't see a reason why they would have to make specific male/female armour.
The only things I can think of would be a "battle bra" and "combat cup" =P
The Thong of Power is of course unisex.
But Diablo has always had armor looking differnet depending on class, so why change now. Heck in WoW items would go from Plate armor to Plate Bikini based on gender.
They say in the vid that armour will look different on different characters. Don't see a reason why they would have to make specific male/female armour.
The only things I can think of would be a "battle bra" and "combat cup" =P
I'm not saying every piece of armor would be like that, or even very many at all. I mean, there can be some class-specific pieces of armor, and there can be sex-specific pieces of armor. I mean, should male Barbarians be wearing dresses?
I mean, should male Barbarians be wearing dresses?
should female Barbarians? :wassat:
If any piece of clothing showes up as an evening gown on female characters you can bet that that same piece of clothing shows up as a formal suit on male characters. I promise you that.
ANY sex specific armour drops/lot (even if it is just a little) will unbalance the game. The only thing that could work would be useless vendor trash that has no AC or stats bonuses, and what is the point in that?
The last three classes are going to be a ranged class, a sorcerer/sorceress class, and a melee class with an emphasis on defensive/support skills. They might change the names, but not the playstyles.
Totally. I'm guessing Paladin is still in and mostly intact (like Barbarian). Amazon will be there too but with just some tweaks and another name. "Rogue" or something. And Sorceress… honestly, she is little bland. I hope Blizzard will come up with a new redesigned mage class. Something which has a little bit more oomph.
I rebought Diablo II, and The Lord of the Destruction, and I'm currently playing a solo game with a Barb and as a Druid in a play-through with my bro. The game is getting old but it's still pretty freakin' sweet and even if it feels little simple it's a whole lot of fun. Actually, I had forgotten that the game is pretty well written and well voice acted too.
If Diablo II is still this great and Diablo III will be that and even much more then... yeah.
I can't believe I missed this news when it was first posted about three weeks ago:
Bottom line: the last three classes are going to be all-new. The dev team felt that the Barbarian was the least-developed of the D2 classes, so they want another shot at him. But the other six? Maybe in the expansion.
Diablo without an awesome magic caster is like Final Fantasy without Black Magic. You just don't do it!
I loved Sorceress.
i am interested to see what sort of brand new classes they can cook up. I wont start bitching yet as I'm sure half the internet is already doing due to this news.
They've already shown that the witch doctor is an awesome class and seems to replace the necro.
there will be a magic caster insider. it just won't be called a sorceress.
I'm sure there will be a caster. I just hope it will be as badass as the past Sorceress. Male or female, I don't care. Us, wizards need to look our best.
The dev team felt that the Barbarian was the least-developed of the D2 classes
As if the D2 expansion taking place in the BARBARIAN HOMELAND wasn't enough development for Blizzard.
I think they meant it gameplay wise. Barbarian wasn't as awesome to play with as he could had potentially been. And I tend agree, Diablo III's Barbarian indeed seems much more badass.
I think they meant it gameplay wise. Barbarian wasn't as awesome to play with as he could had potentially been. And I tend agree, Diablo III's Barbarian indeed seems much more badass.
Yoska speaks the truth. In the article, the designer mentions that the team felt that the Barbarian was the most one-dimensional of the seven D II characters and they "wanted another shot" at the character class.
And when you think about it, he has a point - the Barbarian had an entire tree of passives, an entire tree of direct damage (about 8/10 of it melee damage), and a tree of some pretty meh support skills. The other six classes have far more diverse roles and more attacks grouped into each tree. No matter how you spec a Barbarian, it's going to be a close-ranged tank.
No matter how you spec a Barbarian, it's going to be a close-ranged tank.
One could basically argue the Amazon was just as much a "long-ranged tank", yet she's not getting resurrected for D3. Both Barb and Zon evolved out of D1's Warrior class and are so obligated to be boring old tanks, if they're given magic comparable to the other classes its VERY easy for them to be overpowered and basically forces people who prefer straight up tanking to use magic like sorcerous classes.
IMV there should be a distinction between "sword AND sorcery" like the Final Fantasy series and where Diablo is headed and "sword OR sorcery" like more traditional RPGs.