Today I woke up to find that my brother had tripped and fallen on his head last night. He didn't tell anyone until this morning. (don't worry, I chewed him out royally for not telling anyone and scaring the crap outta me >:I )
He had me take him to a chiropractor appointment earlier today for his neck which was in pain from the fall. So everything's going good now… right?
Well around 8 I take him down to walmart so he can get deodorant and we end up doing some extra shopping too. When we get to the register, he puts a carton of apple slices with dip upside down. Then next thing I know when we're at the counter, he's leaning kinda forward, stops moving, totally zoned out, and his eyelids are fluttering... SHIT!
I get him to snap out of it, but he's still a little wierd.
So we pay, and I haul his ass to the hospital. By this point he's acting more like himself. My mom came and took over the hospital visit so I could go home. Right now she's with him. He's had a CAT scan and they're waiting on the results. Apparantly he's been sitting in the hospital bed and playing his DS while he waits.
Right now I'm sitting at home waiting on more news, too worried to sleep :I
My Grandmother died this morning.
I'm so sorry for your loss, Davy :<
I know exactly what you're going through.
Tomorrow I'll know if I need to do the operation or not.
My cousin has done this operation before and he said that it is not invasive.
But still…I´m a little scared.
Also, today I had a lesson about DDC and talked about "Hetalia + Saint Seiya" with my friend.
What do you have to have surgery for, Captain? :<