In this thread, your going to post your Youtube account or just giveout the name. Heres my youtube account.
Youtube Accounts
Are you a spam bot?
Seriously, this is the second topic by you that amounts to little more than a one-post, link/name dump thread. There's nothing to discuss when people just drop their names, and besides, most folk are going to have the same name here and on YouTube.
To stay on topic, my name is MalintexTerek. I only use that account for mahjong videos; I have another one I use for trolling but won't post it here!
Ahh don't listen to that fly guy suited in a purple tie
This topic is a fun idea.
On Youtube I'm actually KrushedIcee, not Lobster Pot-Sticker.
who would have guessed it"? not me O
On youtube, I go by the name of Zombibee. Here's my link.
Hello there <3 -
I'm Prettydark11
Came up with the account name because it was 11pm and obviously dark…duh
Only posted one or two vids, without images though, me making little girl sounds x3 -
To stay on topic, my name is MalintexTerek. I only use that account for mahjong videos; I have another one I use for trolling but won't post it here!
Holy crap, u opened an account for trolling?!?!?
If I may ask, why the hell are you even PLANNING to troll?
my you tube is i only have a few videos but ammaking some more amvs
Holy crap, u opened an account for trolling?!?!?
If I may ask, why the hell are you even PLANNING to troll?
The same reason anyone would do that, because they have no life.
If I may ask, why the hell are you even PLANNING to troll?
AWB's close, but no cigar. The correct answer is "for funnies". Some names for certain videos, regardless of the content, are going to get angry responses no matter what.
Fictional example:
JewsDidWTC (1 week ago)
I think this video unfairly portrays Jewish-Americans in a stereotypical light; true, many of us speak Yiddish and enjoy matzah, but not all of us conform to this standard you know? I mean, I don't even adhere to the kashrut, some aspects of religion are so unnecessary and outright wrong given scientific progress in the 20th century it would be ridiculous for people to follow them. "blind" faith these days seems to mean people simply refuse to accept truth.
shaked0113 (4 days ago)
omg racist
r3za89 (4 days ago)
Candyfloss5639 (2 days ago)
hey just because ur not orthodox doesn't meen other ppl aren't either no 1 is stereotyping u its just a parody ok
hitsugaya111 (1 day ago)
Naruto Shippuuden 56 DIRECT DOWNLOAD
4PaartyVann (38 minutes ago)
Just according to keikaku.
People on the internet act like bulls - they see red and charge without thinking.
People on the internet act like bulls - they see red and charge without thinking.
Technically bulls are colorblind.
They only charge because of the aggravating motion of the cloth
SquareNosedGirl That's me. It's new because my old account was kinda messed up and I decided to start off anew. My old account is deleted. Barely anybody knows it exsists. I guess me and my bro kinda share the account, though.
Technically bulls are colorblind.
They only charge because of the aggravating motion of the cloth
Ok, ok.
Electabuzz, then.
Technically bulls are colorblind.
They only charge because of the aggravating motion of the cloth
Wow O_O Lobster is more intelligent than I give him credit for. I think I have some new found respect for him.
- yeah thats me….
Wish you guys fun~
Mostly just clips and stuff.
It's in my signature.
I think you all guessed MY account name .
My favorites are the only things that get updated, though.
AWB's close, but no cigar. The correct answer is "for funnies". Some names for certain videos, regardless of the content, are going to get angry responses no matter what.
Fictional example:
People on the internet act like bulls - they see red and charge without thinking.
Wait, I do not get what you mean be the punch line…
"AWB's close, but no cigar", could you get that clear for me sorry?So, since somebody's gonna behave cocky, what are you gonna do with your troll account? Flame them up? :O
Wait, I do not get what you mean be the punch line…
"AWB's close, but no cigar", could you get that clear for me sorry?The joke is I can be extremely insulting/derisive at times without meaning to, which people interpret as intentional trolling, so I gave an ironic statement acknowledging that I actually do troll when I have a history of professing that's not the case.
You really have to know something about me to get the jab there.
So, since somebody's gonna behave cocky, what are you gonna do with your troll account? Flame them up? :O
Usually I just post. Like I said, sometimes the account name alone causes to-love-ru.
Here's my new account, after my old one got banned:
Hey i got a new account
OnePieceFan89 is my account.
just favorites for the moment although I might cancel my account is this viacom thing goes through -
Account name is Yangzter027…never really go on it tho
Here's my account. -
heres mine
Not much, but I like it.
That's my Youtube account and as you can see, my favorites are mostly J-Pop videos.
Here's my Youtube Account -
¨Mine, just a few SSBM-matches.