So, I decided that I was big enough a One Piece fan now to join this humble little community you guys have here, I heard this was like, the major One Piece forums, so where better to start, really?
I'll post a bio here so you guys know the ins and outs, my name is Chris, I don't mind being called by my forum name or my real name, it's all good. I'm 18 years old and I live in a little town just outside the grand city of London, which I'm sure everyone has heard of.
I'm a nice guy (so I've been told) and like to give everyone a fair chance, I've dealt with thousands of people through forums before (I'm a moderator at a fairly active forums as we speak) and enjoy getting to know people.
My intrests would mainly consist of (when not at work) playing video games, watching anime and reading manga and hanging out with my friends (i.e. getting drunk at the weekends ;) ). I'm sure many of us will get along just fine and I hope I fit in with this place!