I'd like to recommend a sections for video games 'cause I don't really see it as "Media" which is where those threads are. Anyone agree with me?
I agree.
Hmm… It IS big enough to warrant a section of it's own... I'll bring it up tomorrow.
Yes, I clearly agree that a video game section is nessecary. :lol:
Woah! Soler Knigth, yer full of good ideas.
Yes, we need a Video Game section
shouldn't video games be under media? i mean since the threads are in media?i don't mind having it in a new section but are there enuff games in the world of ours which requires so much attention?
I think this is a really good idea!
This time, I stand on the opposite side. I think the topics we have are fine because there aren't as many topics that'd probably deem it it's own category. Sub-category, maybe, but then they might as well seperate the rest of the entertainment categories as well. I think we're fine IMO.
EDIT: ….. Or maybe it is big enough. Anyways, we'll see.
Video games aren't media :huh: ? I like the way things are arranged, this way the media section stays active.
Video games are considered multimedia. I think the less categories we have, the more the threads are centralized, therefore, more active categories.