Thanks CN!!
One Piece
Chapter 497: Adventure on the Islands of the Dancing Bubbles
CP9's Independent Report Vol. 7: "Save Rob Lucci - Kumadori Performs to Earn Medical Fees"
[Insert text: The fascinating Shabondy Archipelago!!]
Sanji: You not going out, Usopp, Franky? Everyone's headed into town.
Franky: The ship got a little beat up during our battle back there. It's my job to keep it in top condition!!
Usopp: And I'm staying 'cause I wanna help out! / The three of us can head out together once this is sorted - this island looks like fun!!
Sanji: Nah… I'm not heading out until one of the others gets back.
Usopp: Hm? Why not?
Sanji: Well, you know... Nami-san said something as she left...
Flashback!Nami: Oh, dear~♡ We have all this treasure piled up inside our ship... / I do wish I had a dashing knight to protect it all for me...♡
Sanji: That's me!!!
Usopp: She's got you wrapped around her little finger.
Sanji: Yes... I am a slave to love!!
Usopp: Well, if you're gonna actually admit it…
Zoro: Hup...
Sanji: Say what?! Hello, what's this?!! Zoro-kun...?! Since when were you in here?
Usopp: Where are you going all on your own?!!
Zoro: Hm? A walk, why?
Usopp: Don't even think about it~~~~~~!!!
Sanji: Don't go wandering off, you useless idiot~~~!!! // This is a huge freaking archipelago, we'll never find you!!!
Zoro: LIKE HELL I'D GET LOST!!! // Who the hell could get lost in a place like this?! / They've got numbers written on every single tree - worst-case, I'd just have to ask someone the way back! // Even a kid couldn't get lost around here!
Usopp: Ahh…... I never knew you had so much sense...
Sanji: Sorry I doubted you... Go ahead, have fun! // Don't forget to ask directions!
Zoro: ......Honestly, there's no problem......
Usopp/Sanji: Don't trust yourself!!
Zoro: All I gotta do is remember the number on this tree right here... // "No. 1", huh...
[Box: Grove 41]
Hacchan: The "World Nobles" are also known as the "Tenryuubito".
[TN: Literally, "Heavenly Dragon Folk"]
Hacchan: They're incredibly proud, and they wear masks to avoid breathing the same air as the common people. // You must never, ever go up against them. / That's the one thing you've gotta promise me!
Luffy: Sure…...
Hacchan: There are a fair few things you should watch out for here, too. / Like I already told you before, / this island is a gathering-place for people aiming for the New World. // There are plenty of famous pirates like yourselves to be found, as well as plenty of Marines who are after them. // Then of course there are bounty hunters, and kidnappers too. // Even if pirates fall victim to the slave trade, the law won't protect them.
Hacchan: If you do anything to get yourself noticed, they'll all be after you in an instant... // I'd advise you to be careful.
Luffy: Sure...... Hey, when did you get that wound?
Hacchan: Oh, don't worry about this. // But the Marines around here are all very dangerous people. // After all, we're right near the Marina Headquarters itself!! // And the same goes for the bounty hunters - you'll only find the best of them here!! // And one more thing...
Luffy: What is it now?! Enough with the warnings already!!
Hacchan: Myself and Caimie aren't fishmen or mermaids, okay? // While we're here, you should treat us as though we're humans.
Luffy: Why's that~~?
Hacchan: It's just easier on us that way.
Robin: .........When in Rome, do as the Romans do, as they say, Luffy. // Let's just do as Octo-san says.
[TN: Just for the record, she doesn't actually say "Rome"; it's an equivalent proverb. I doubt Rome exists in One Piece ~_~]
ShopPerson: The~re we go, slowly, slowly…~!!
Luffy: Mnnnnhh...... // Ahh!! // I'm in, I'm in!! // It's not going down!
Brooke: Ahhhh, that looks like fun
Robin: Intriguing.
ShopPerson: Right! Now we just stick this inside.
Luffy: Like this...?!
ShopPerson: Is that about the right height? / You should be able to drive it around now.
Luffy: Ahh~~~!! It moves!! This is fuuuun~~~~~!!
Chopper: Ahhhh! Wooow~!
ShopPerson: It's 500 Beli to rent one Bon Chari for one day. / If you want to keep it, that'll be ten thousand Beli. Cheap, huh?
Brooke: Sturdy little contraptions, aren't they...
Luffy: I want one!! I'm gonna buy it with my spending money!!
Hacchan: Nyuu~~~~ Don't bother. There's no point buying them; just rent them.
Luffy: Oi, Octo-face!! Don't go deciding things on your own!!
Hacchan: I'll explain the reasons later.
ShopPerson: What's this, you're a local, are you? Ah, such a pity...
Nami: Ahhh, this is nice! And they have all different kinds of them, too!
Luffy: I'm totally gonna buy one of these!!
Hacchan: Strawhat, you remember back when you first got here? // You climbed the bubbles all the way right up into the sky, didn't you? / Then why did you come falling straight back down?
Luffy: Ahhh... well, you see!! When we got past the treetops... // I wanted to keep on going higher, but... // All the bubbles around me just started popping...
Flashback!Luffy: Ahh!
Luffy: And the one I was standing on popped all of a sudden, too. / So I kind of ended up falling.
Hacchan: That's because you went outside the limits of the Shabondy Archipelago's unique atmosphere. / This place has a special, unique climate specially suited to the Yarukiman Mangroves. // But if you leave that area, then the resin that those bubbles are made of... / ...won't be able to sustain its strength, and so it will just pop.
Robin: I see......... In that case, / I suppose we wouldn't be able to use these bubble-based vehicles anywhere apart from here on these islands......
Hacchan: Nyuu~~~ That's exactly right. / A lot of people who come here for the first time and see those Bon Chari... / ...end up buying them outright, but...... well, they're just being taken advantage of. // Rental is the way to go with these.
Luffy: .........Hmmmmmmm...... / Not sure I really get it... // I think maybe...... I'll just buy one…
Nami: You really don't get it at all, do you?! / We're saying that if you leave this island, the bubbles will just mysteriously burst!
Luffy: What the - ?! Mysteriously burst?! Damn, so that's how it is...
Caimie: Ah - but Luffy-chin, you can use them at Fishman Island!! / We have these bubbles down at the bottom of the sea as well.
Luffy: I wanna go to Fishman Island soon~~~ / Sounds so fun~~ // What's it like there.........?!! / No, wait!! I don't wanna know yet.
Pappagg: You wanna make sure you meet the "Mermaid Princess" - she's a real stunner!! And I'm a starfish, so you know that's the truth!! / I'm in cahoots with her, so I'll sort it out for ya.
Brooke: I certainly look forward to that!! I truly do only have eyes for the beautiful!! // Although, being a skeleton... // I DON'T HAVE ANY EYES!!! YOHOHOHO!!
Luffy: Hey, what's a "Graman"?
Chopper: It smells really good~~~~~~!!!
Antonio: These are me "Grand Line Manjuu". / Or just "Graman", for short!! // You want to try some?
Antonio: You see, they've got "Grand Line First Half" written on them here, yeah? / The idea is you can take them into the New World as a sort of souvenir. / They'll last for three months or so, so don't worry about that!!
Luffy: Mmmm!
Chopper: Mmmm!
Luffy: Mmmm!! So good!!
Chopper: Mmmm!! So sweet!!
Brooke: These really are very good~~~! Do you mind if we open another box, perhaps?
Antonio: Are you actually going to buy any?!
Robin: Grove 35… this place seems to have a lot of hotels...
Hacchan: Nyuu~~~~ They're for the sailors who are waiting here for approval to enter Mariejoa.
Pappagg: These hotels are really easy to make, you know! / You just get a huge bubble and coat it in an alloy, and that's your base right there! / That's how you make round buildings like these.
Nami: Wo~~w...... // Ah! Could that be... a shopping mall?!
Antonio: Come back any time!!
Luffy: "Grasen", "Grachoco"...
Chopper: A keyring!
Brooke: A pennant!
Pappagg: Hold on to those precious memories, you guys!!!
Luffy: We can carry 'em in these "Bon-Bags"! // Man, carrying luggage around on this island is easy~!
Choper: Hm? Where's Nami, and Robin?
Caimie: They went off to the shopping mall on Grove 30; they said they'd leave the coating to us.
Chopper: Oh, is that right! Okay! We can handle this!!
Nami: Caimie-chan wouldn't come even though we invited her...
Robin: She does seem to have become more reserved since we came here......
Nami: What do you think could be wrong with her......?
Robin: ...There's always a chance that she might have............ // ...some kind of "bad history" associated with this island...
Nami: ?
Luffy: Whooooo~! I'm in the lead~~!!
Hacchan: Nyuu~~~~! Don't get cocky - there's still a long way left to go! / The finish line is Grove 13!!
Caimie: Hahahah... go, Hacchin!!
Luffy: Hm? // What's going on over there?!
Dias: Come on!!! Please!! Somebody help me!!!
Person: Let me go, please!! I don't want to die!!!
Dias: Come on... somebody, anybody!!! An axe!! A saw!! // I don't care what it is, just somebody get me something!!! / I just have to destroy this neck-ring!!! I won't hurt anyone any more!!! // I've given up on the New World already, okay?!!! // I have a wife and kid waiting for me back at home!!! / I wanna go back... Please, someone! // Just help me already!! // My kid was just a baby when I left him... // He doesn't even know his father's face yet!!!
Hacchan: Don't get involved!! He's probably a pirate who was captured by kidnappers and sold as a slave!!
Luffy: ......?
Hacchan: His owner probably brought him to this island... / ...and he made a run for it!!
Hacchan: He should know that it's useless to try and run!!
Person: ......!!
Dias: This ring...!! // If I could just get this ring off me...!! // !!! // GUAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!
Luffy: Aahh...!
Hacchan: Slaves are always restrained by chains attached to their necks...... // If they break the chains and try to escape, the ring around their neck is set to explode!!!
Dias: .........!!!
Luffy: That's horrible............!!
Dias: .........!! Just let me buy some souvenirs and go home... // I don't want... to be a pirate any more...!!! // ..................
People: Aaahhhhhhh!! // It's a runaway slave~~~~!!! // Get away from him!! Don't go near him!!!
Brooke: Just... Just look at that man!! We should save him!!!
Pappagg: Dummy!! You promised us - you're not gonna get involved no matter what, right?!!
Chopper: Aaaahhhh, what's wrong with this town~~~?!!!
Caimie: Hacchin!! What should we do... there are Tenryuubito nearby!!
Hacchan: Strawhat!! Get out of that Bon Chari!
Luffy: Huh......? ...Yeah...okay...
Guy: .................. // That must have been Devil Dias, 60-million Beli captain of the Acumate Pirates... / How shameful...............!! / He could never have made it in the New World...
Dias: pant // pant // pant // pant
Someone: (Here they come......!!)
Luffy: Is that a Tenryuu…......?
Hacchan: You guys, too - get on your knees, and don't meet any of their eyes whatever you do!! // Don't touch the pet dog, either - the Tenryuubito are right behind it!
Shalulia: Oh, my... how simply vulgar, "Saruu".
Luffy: It's them......
Shalulia: Alas... Dearest father, yet another has been ruined...
Rosward: Did you ensure to give him his tranquilliser every day?
Shalulia: Of course... but it has little effect on fools.
[Box: Tenryuubito / Shalulia Guu]
[Box: Tenryuubito / Rosward Sei]
[TN: They both have katakana first names, and single-kanji second names (which mean "shrine" and "sacred" respectively).]
Shalulia: You shall simply have… // buy another.
Rosward: Your disciplining skills are truly terrible. // .........Ruining my Captain Collection... / after another...
Shalulia: Oh, he is certainly useless now...
People: !!
Shalulia: So you meet your end amidst the crying of families and grown men...
Luffy: He can't even move any more...!
Shalulia: A mere human such as yourself...
Hacchan: !
Shalulia: Frankly, it sickens me.
Everyone: !!!
Luffy: Why, tha -
Hacchan: Wait!!! Please!!!
Shalulia: I think I should like a giant for our next slave.
Rosward: I think you should start with a mere human child.
Shalulia: But I do so detest the weak...
Caimie: .........I feel sick after seeing that...
Luffy: You think he could survive? Though the Marines carried him off...
Hacchan: He's a pirate... even if he survives, it'll be in a cell.
Chopper: That pirate... I'm sure he should've been able to beat up an old man and a girl like that!!
Pappagg: But if you wound a Tenryuubito... / ...then you'll just find yourself the target of a Marine army led by an Admiral from HQ...
Luffy: Wha...?! An Admiral?!! / Like Aokiji?!!
Pappagg: Could be him, could be Akainu or Kizaru… any of them could be the one to target you. // After all, HQ is right on our doorstep here.
Chopper: But what makes them so special as all that?!
Pappagg: Because they have the blood of the Creators in their veins…... // Eight hundred years ago, a group of twenty Kings... / ...formed a mighty organisation known as the World Government. // The Tenryuubito are their descendants. / And over those many years, they have certainly come to abuse their incredible influence...
Everyone: !!!
[Insert text: Evil!!]