Woah. 'Bout time I got off my lazy butt and got serious >:|
I have created this thread to detail my AMV series, "OWNED PIECE". For those of you who aren't familiar with it, it is a ONE PIECE parody series made in the format of AMV HELL (or the T.V. show "Robot Chicken", if you aren't up on your AMV's). I started off with the first one and thought it wouldn't be that good or popular, but with over 40,000 views and great comments, it looks like there will be many more to come!
The first OWNED PIECE:
The sequel OWNED PIECE 1.5: Widescreen Edition:
Currently, I'm working on OWNED PIECE: The Collaboration. In short, it's an "OWNED PIECE" that is accepting clips from other members or AMV creators. The rules are as follows:
Spoilered for length
! OWNED PIECE Collaboration
! Base Guidelines:
! -Any and all clips submitted must use anime footage from ONE PIECE. Game footage, movie, OVA, etc. are acceptable. If your clip contains outside anime/video footage, it must be at most half the total clip time.
! - The clips MUST BE ORIGINAL CONTENT. Using jokes that either I, Super Nanny, KentaroPJJ, or anyone else have already done is highly unacceptable and will not make it into the final video, period. Also, clips that you’ve used in other videos or AMV’s will not be accepted either. Your clips must not have been exposed to the general public in order to keep the entire final video fresh.
! - Currently, anyone can submit as many clips as they want. However, I (and my “staff”) will review each clip and whittle down the numbers to make the video as awesome and as funny as possible. Long story short: not all of your submissions will make it into the AMV. You are welcome to contest the decision if you feel I’ve been unfair/ didn’t get the joke, but it is my duty to make the AMV the best. If it does better without your clip, well, …sorry.
! - No extreme profanity in the clip’s audio (crap, bitch, ass are acceptable. St, fk, c**t are not.). Try to keep whatever you’re using PG-13. You are welcome to use bleeps to cover swearing.
! - When submitting a clip (details to follow further down), PM me with the name you want to be represented as in the video, as well as a description of how you want to look (As in what kind of avatar you want to be represented as. Can be made up features or resembling someone. Trust me, it’ll make sense). Also, you must answer the question: If this video was a party, how would you arrive, and how would you leave? (Again, trust me on this).
! General Statistics:
! - Submitted clips must be no longer than 30 seconds. In extreme, 1-in-a-million chances, longer clips may be accepted, but not likely.
! -Aspect ratio must be 4:3 (Full Screen). I can resize widescreen footage if needed, but think about if your clip would look better or worse if I did.
! - .avi format is highly recommended. Windows Media is fine too, but has a slightly less chance of making it if pitted against lots of .avi videos.
! - NO SUBTITLES. That is all.
! - The volume level should be kept at default for most clips. If it’s too soft or too loud, I’ll notify you.
! - If there are any other technical problems with your video, I will PM you and give you a notice. You can redo or retract your clips if you want to.
! Finished Product:
! -To submit your finished clip, you can do it a number of ways:
- Sendspace, Megaupload, Yousendit, or any other mass file transfer system.
- Hotmail attachment (if it’s small enough)
- Anything else you can come up with.
! - Do NOT forget to include the song name and artist with each entry!
! - I plan to check it every other day, and I will let you know when I’ve seen it. I’ll also let you know my general impression, and whether or not it has passed preliminary.
! - The deadline for entry is March 30th 2008.
! - Once completed, I will host the video on my Youtube and AnimeMusicVideos accounts.
So just in case anyone missed it: