Anyone ever played this game for ps2?
I was wondering if it's any good, because i plan on getting it.
And what characters can you play with?
Anyone ever played this game for ps2?
I was wondering if it's any good, because i plan on getting it.
And what characters can you play with?
I heard it wasn't really that great.
Save the money for a more worthwhile OP game like Grand Battle Rush.
Save the money for a more worthwhile OP game like Grand Battle Rush.
Already own all the Grand Battles and Round the Land/Land! Land! I don't like the chibi style of Grand Battle though.
Round the land is still fun, the opening alone made the purchase worth ;)
But i would've prefered a good 1 on 1 fighting game.
I'm hoping one will come out of the ps3, as i'm planning to get one :) Would be awesome if they could get really close to the anime.
I've seen it in action, it's really not worth more than five or ten dollars. It's a very unbalanced, generic, and not very fun 2D fighter.
it's crap. I downloaded it and I still think its a waste of a DVDR
xD I was actually planning to download it to.
So talking about magic-swap/backups is no problem here ? ;)
^ no problem at all.
Yeah, I thought the graphics were nice. Before UA and soon UC we didn't really have no detailed non-SD One Piece games. But yeah, I would only take this if it was given to me free of charge…along with a moded PS2.
I bought it when it was on sale for 9 bucks at play asia. Possibly one of the worst games I've ever played, certainly one of the worst fighters.
I thought it was gonna be good, regardless of the comments it got. I downloaded it off the net and played it eventually and… didn't last two hours. There are very limited moves, not even a lot of basic attacks to perform, and it takes a long while to unlock characters.