So One Piece will remain accessible to the United States legally. Good news, although it mirrors the pattern OP has been following the past two years.
Situation #1: 4Kids mangles OP
Result: 4Kids loses the license (eventually and this is the turning point)
Situation #2: A good portion of people on the forum believe OP has little chance of being picked up again.
Result: Funimation picks up OP
Situation #3: It seems like Funi won't have the rights to the first episodes for a while.
Result: They get it and release the first uncut DVD.
Situation #4: For a while it seems Funi has stopped producing OP episodes in the Skypiea arc
Result: We gets news they are airing in Australia soon.
Situation #5: CN's refusal to air OP will result in it's ultimate demise.
Result: The recent news.
Despite all the talks about how optimism is foolish and only is rational in a fictional world like One Piece, it seems to make sense here. Not that I've been optimistic these past months. Hindsight is 20/20.