Today, when I was on the scifi channel website, I read an article about this online game? Who here have played it, and maybe even liked it (it is free, so no need to worry if you do want to download it)
POTC Online Game
I have it. It's not bad, but not especially good either. Still, it's somewhat enjoyable, though it can lag a lot, which can get annoying when fighting enemies. Combat is pretty simple, and can be fun if it doesn't lag too much. Ship battles can be pretty neat. Not much else to say about it, though. You can try it and see if you like it. I kind of like it, but the lag irritates me a little too much.
I read it used to be 10 dollars a month but it switched to free.
looks cool from what I saw
If it's not really good that's understandable it's like these stores I know selling the Beowulf game for a lot less of what it should cost.
Don't bother. Upon seeing a commercial for it on TV last week I played it and it was gone in bout 2 hours. (Most of which was due to lag.)
The lag is OUTSTANDINGLY bad despite there's really not that many players around when I was playing. The character customization is nice, but you ultimately look the same no matter what. Fighting is insanely hard with the lag, farthest I got was getting into your official boat for the first time in which the game crashed.
It's a pity, as I wanted to like the game. But from my experience the only good thing about the game is the original character made for it, Jolly Roger. And even so he seems to be a ripoff of Davy Jones.
looked like a piece of crap on tv
The disclaimer states that 'advanced content' requires a subscription, so it's not totally free.
That, and it sucks.
Yeah, basically the free version you get the bare minimals and you gotta wait in a line to get in the game.