Originally posted by Shinagamithe3rd@May 21 2005, 04:25 PM
I would love to be a manga-ka. I think that my art actually looks more manga-like than all these "American Manga-ka's" that tokyopop hires. Their art honestly overuses screentones and most charchters are blocky and don't have good charchter designs. I think I could change the way people look at american manga-kas.
Same here… It's kinda shocking really... Too me, they look like souped-up American comic books, y'know, to me, there seems to be a lack of understanding of what manga is, they just capture the essence of certain types of manga, but tehn tone it to death. I am in the process of writing a Tokyopop submission, and I wanna be....
Hell yeah. I love to draw, and when I actually spend time on things, I reckon my skills are pretty high. In the first 'rising stars of manga' there is some god awful thing… I forgot what it's called, but the drawings are wrongly proportioned, the linking job is done as if they were using a pencil... I dunno, I guess it gives me hope that if they publish that kinda stuff, oneday they'll publish me.
I dunno, maybe i'm being a bit tight in saying that, but it's how I feel...