I had fond memories of this scene in MM first time round. Kinda goofy looking back, but it's still a nice moment.
Ah, I loved that scene. It kills me everytime. I'm such a freaking daddy's girl. But really, any of the scenes with the song of healing were really touching. And then at the very end, where you think most everyone is going to be happy in some way…and then you see the butler crying over his son. :<
And I agree. Anju and Kafei's sidequest was amazing. I remember running around Anju's room all crazy and impatient waiting for Kafei to get there.
The Phoenix Wright games always had some case that got to me.
-Ace Attorney: Case 2, 4 and 5
-Justice for All: Case 4
-Trials and Tribulations: Case 1, 4 and 5
And Eternal Darkness always got me with Karim's story. I mean, save for Dr. Lindsey and the journalist Peter...everyone got the short end of the stick. But Karim got the shortest. Wanders through the desert for goodness knows how long for the love of his life, gets trapped in a freaky temple filled with zombies, finds out the love of his life got what she deserved was tragically murdered by another woman when said woman found out Chandra had been sleeping with her man. So much for loving Karim eternally eh? Oh goodie. He gets to guard an item for hundreds of years with the ghost of the woman who scorned him.
In Tales of Symphonia, when Kratos kills Kvar. In your first playthrough, it's kinda bad ass but you don't really get it. But after certain spoilers are revealed, you play through it again and it's suddenly so satisfying to see Kratos kill the douche.
Tales of the Abyss had A LOT of moments for me. There's a lot, so I'll be nice and put them under a spoiler xD.
! -When game!Ion died. I cried. I admit it. I freaking cried. He was only two years old when you think about it. And he willingly sacrificed himself not only to protect Anise's parents, but to also remove the miasma from Tear's body. And just to watch the only other replica he knew hold him as he died. Gah.
! -When Ingobert re-accepts Natalia as his daughter. Again with the "I'm a daddy's girl" thing. And then when Largo calls her Meryl before he dies. It was so sweet, it took me a minute to ask: DID NATALIA JUST KILL HER DAD?! Holy shit.
! -Asch dying. He may have been a bit of a douche, but damn. How many swords got stuck in him before he died? And he still kept going, all to help Luke's group.
! -The final battle with Van, before and after Tear sings the Grand Fonic Hymn. The things he says to his sister really showed that, for all his twisted insanity, he still deeply loved his little sister.
! -When Luke stays behind on Eldrant to free Lorelei. That whole scene always gets me. From everyone telling Luke he has to come back, to Tear finally saying "I love you" (which I have yet to see in any other Tales game. It's implied in other games, but never said), to Luke catching Asch's body as he floats down into the core. And then that mindfuck of an ending where you have no solid clue as to who the hell comes out in the field. Is it Luke? Is it Asch? Did they do a fusion dance? Who the fuck knows?