I went on the second day, being today (Sunday, 30 December 2007). I took lots of pictures of cosplay, including as much One Piece as I could find. See below, and comment as you see fit. (There's also lots more from other series in the album proper if you want to take a look.)
One Piece cosplay at Comiket 73
If you go for the last day and see any KoF cossers, get them for me :D
Also, pleather-coat Mihawk is pleathery winnn.
edit: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g74/SaiyaJedi/Comiket%2073%20Day%202/IMG_1128.jpg = Ragnarok Online. I always hated the Mr. Smile mask quest. :(
that Mihawk is amazing! too bad he doesn't have the sword though
that Mihawk is amazing! too bad he doesn't have the sword though
Yeah, Comiket has a no-weapons policy. Still badass nonetheless.
I love how there's actually a Wanze up there XD HOLY CRAP!!!!!! I love the color spread cosplays too, they're amazing ^__^
And the hat comes off for that Brook. I'm so jeleous.
I love that Yakuza Sanji too with the sunglasses.. and the Paulie, Chopper, and Lucci pic xD And I forgot to say how stunned I was looking at the Mihawk since he looked soooo freakin' BADASS. I love the Brook too.. xD GREAT pics once again :3
Laughing at the crooked jaw of that Brook, though the whole costume is really good.
Colorspread and Omake cosplays are awesome! I really love the Paulie, that's one of the best I've seen so far! And I still love that Robin, her outfit is amazing~
Hahaha, oh man, I wish there was a closeup on that Wanze.
nobody mentioned ZEFF there is TOTALLY a Zeff! and though they look short… they are still AWEsOME O_O and OMFG where do I begin... such amazing cosplay that makes me wanna hide in a hole...! that Mihawk is SO FREAKING SEXY... DAMN and I'm not even INTO Mihawk O_O and it's probably really a girl.. but they look so damn good!
and... OMFG ... WANZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL I'd wanna take pictures of that guy kicking him in the face!! and Brooke ;__; can I has him??? so cute.. steals him away! so AMAZING I wish I was tehre though if I was cosplaying I"d have felt so inferior just like I do not just looking at the pictures... damn AMAZINg cosplay O_O
holy crap they got a drum island arc luffy. i lolv that arc
That Mihawk is jut too freaking awesome!!!!!!111one!!1! I liked that Robin a lot too.
Hehe, my compliments to the Nico cosplayer! Or was she dressed up as Mrs. Allsunday? Bah. Either way, good job!