Ranma Saotome over on the cosplay.com boards is planning a human chess match for Anime Next. Naruto vs. One Piece, classic ninja versus pirate action! The problem is, however, that we don't have nearly enough pirates. The ninja side is filled already, but we only have about 6 OP cosplayers. Anyone interested in fighting for our side? Please join us, 'cause if we don't get enough people it might not happen. Please visit here for info and to sign up:
Thank you, and have a nice day. ^_^
I already signed him up with my Nami, Monty's Sanji, and steve's Zoro ^_^ He also wants me to make an AMV for it…Gonna try my best! I feel like I'm the only One Piece and Naruto fan x_x
To be completely honest though, I think he would be better aiming this for next year. It's a lot to pull together in a short amount of time.
I was thinking the same thing… but hey, it's worth a try. ^_^;