I'm pretty sure that it goes without saying that there are certain instances wherein men are paid more than women on a strictly biased basis. There are obviously going to be some sexist He-Man Woman-Haters that just outright discriminate against their female workers; the media plays it up like there's no tomorrow whenever they get the chance.
However, I would also assert that there would also be cases the other way around, wherein women discriminate against men in their workplaces. It may even be men discriminating against men or women to women, who knows. But to say that this just happens in one direction is kind of ridiculous, I would argue. The media lately has just been so "politically correct" that if anyone sneezes wrong at a woman or minority, it becomes a headliner, while huge discriminations can be made against white males and nobody cares. I'm not preaching that white males are being discriminated against or that we're being unfairly treated, not in the slightest. I'm just saying that in this age of supposed yearning for equality many facts can easily be skewed by a very angular media.
So I think I'd basically say that men and women are paid the same. There are of course some instances wherein men are paid more or women are paid more (honestly, the men might get the better of it a little more often), but I still think I'd argue that it averages out to about roughly the same.