Funny!! Please continue…
Eggy: I dunno if this might help, but maybe it's the shape of Robin's face and mouth? If you look at the books, she has a somewhat smaller face.
But it's very good alredy! Maintain your own style! ;)
Funny!! Please continue…
Eggy: I dunno if this might help, but maybe it's the shape of Robin's face and mouth? If you look at the books, she has a somewhat smaller face.
But it's very good alredy! Maintain your own style! ;)
rofl! Eggy, your comics are hilarious. xDD
(I couldn't resist…..)
T34 STUB!!!
Does the tatto mean: Chef of Strawhats?
Does the tatto mean: Chef of Strawhats?
Yes =) I was going to put Zeff's symbol, but I decided to mix his and Luffy's.
He has a lollipop! XD That's definatley one of the more unique Sanji attempts I've seen. 'Cause he's all badass looking with a chain and tatoo, and then he's got the lolly… :lol:
I think this is a healthy step in breaking the Usopp addiction. ;)
I think this is a healthy step in breaking the Usopp addiction.
OH GOD NO. clings to stacks of Usopp fanart
:lol: Actually, I drew Sanji quite a bit before I learned how to draw Usopp. And you should see some of my…... early Usopp pictures...... shudder
Edit: omg 200 post
Originally posted by taboo@Apr 23 2005, 07:43 AM
**> I think this is a healthy step in breaking the Usopp addiction.OH GOD NO. clings to stacks of Usopp fanart
:lol: Actually, I drew Sanji quite a bit before I learned how to draw Usopp. And you should see some of my…... early Usopp pictures...... shudder
Edit: omg 200 post
Ah, the Usopp scent is fading away… I got a couple pictures to post, but not before I edit them a bit... And they're not USOPP!! O_O
Should draw more Usopp..
OH GOD NO. clings to stacks of Usopp fanart
That's the spirit! :lol: Congrats on 200 posts.
Actually, I drew Sanji quite a bit before I learned how to draw Usopp. And you should see some of my…... early Usopp pictures...... shudder
My first few attempts sucked. :P I'm still not really happy with the way I draw him.
I also drew Sanji a couple of times, nothing worth posting, though. And I tried Nami. That was horrible. I took me forever just to draw her face right. I'm not very good with feminine forms. I still haven't even attempted to draw Zoro or Robin.
Originally posted by changsho
Should draw more Usopp..
Yes, everyone should. >D There's been an explosion of Usopp fandom or something. 3 DevArt clubs and and Live journal community all opened up about the same time. :blink: I guess the world is finally beginning to realize the hawtness of Captain Usopp. :D
Originally posted by CosmicDebris@Apr 23 2005, 08:00 AM
Yes, everyone should. >D There's been an explosion of Usopp fandom or something. 3 DevArt clubs and and Live journal community all opened up about the same time. :blink: I guess the world is finally beginning to realize the hawtness of Captain Usopp. :D
Looking at your avatar, Usopp from Movie 6 does look "different" XD.
Originally posted by taboo@Apr 22 2005, 10:26 PM
**rofl! Eggy, your comics are hilarious. xDDOMG I DROO SANJIIIIIIIIIIIIIII…......
(I couldn't resist…..)
lol thats great
Wow! Everyones drawings are so great! You all inspired me to try my hand at drawing, I tried to draw characters doing original stuff, but since I've never really drawn before and I always thought I really sucked. But E1n's in class drawings really inspired me to give it a try. Right now I'm just copying already existing manga images so most everyone will know where these pictures come from. What I do is free hand, then I copy with a copy machine, ink the copies, then scan (for most of them at least). Lemme know what you what you think.
I drew it for my little sister when she was sad, and it did cheer her up because she loves when I make her things. This is the second One Piece picture I ever drew. It is taken from page 8 of Chapter 159 (the top frame of just Luffy is the first One Piece picture I drew, it is actually under this, you can see where i erased and a faint outline of it). I drew this picture before I discovered how to use a ruler.
The Zoro in the Chimney and the Nami were the next pictures I drew. I drew Zoro because I love that frame and it seemed like good practice for depth (Chapter 360, page 19). Nami was a pain in the ass because her face is so specific (Chapter 280, page 2). that was what took the most time but I think I eventually got it. The Luffy picture was for more practice with depth and faces(Chapter 320, page 19).
The whole group picture was my attempt to copy a whole frame, I still don't think I ever really go the Usopp right, but i think comparing it to the actual Oda drawn made it come out pretty good(Chapter 159, page 8). The bottom one was me trying to do an action frame with a lot going on (Chapter 180, page 2).
Both of these pictures are from chapter 181 page 15, me trying to do more faces. Sanji's too skinny, and Zoro's too fat.
I was never happy with this Luffy (Color page of 357).
Trying to break away from One Piece a little bit. It's Ichigo! (with manga page included for easy references.)
The Luffy should have a curled up Eneru under him, but Eneru was too hard to draw at the time, and he probably still is (Chapter 280, page 2).The Ace is my favorite picture I drew it is from the beginning of chapter 298, I think i really captured Ace in this picture.
Sorry to write a novel, I just want to know what the Arlong Park community thinks of my copies. Any advice, or criticisim is welcomed, just go easy on me I have no training, and I have only been drawing for 2 weeks. Thanks everyone!!! Oh and Eggy your drawings are great, they make me want to practice more!!!!! And Taboo your avatar is wonderful!
And if anyone can give me computer program advice (drawing tablets, or what programs are good) lemme know, I'm just an English major, not an art or communications, or a computer science major so I don't get to play or learn about any of that cool stuff.
I… wouldn't say that copying is the best way, practice. Although you show some skill in doing that, doing original drawings help you improve the most.
I would suggest you practice proportions first, so as to enable you to draw humans in general. This way you can draw whomever you want!
To draw faces, note the special features that each character has. Every little details help to bring the known character into our mind. (Ex: Zoro's thin eyebrows, his vertical "crease" on his forehead, etc.)
I think that's how I learned. Anyone else has suggestions?
You should always draw pictures from you head more often than copy, but I wouldn't say it's totally forbidden. xD To practice, I'd used to try and draw at least one action panel a week. It's a great way to get a feel for how professionals draw things, just don't make it a habit. :3 I also make artistic 'notes' before I draw characters I'm not familiar with, which means I'll draw the hair or an eye straight from the manga so I have a better idea of how it's supposed to feel. Like earlier this week I drew Kaya(not the one I posted earlier in this thread but a different picture. That one dosen't count because it was more of a 2am doodle). I kid you not, I spent a whole hour and a half looking a reference pictures, making notes and rearranging the facial structure to get her face just the way it was supposed to look, while Usopp took maybe…. 10 minutes tops. But definentally work on anatomy and perspective and you'll find drawing becomes a whole lot easier. :3 (and fun! It's such a thrill to draw somthing you think rocks!!) I do think you have a great start though! :D Nice work!
its looking great but the black and white is better
well, cowboybribop, I'm just gonna say what the others have already said
it's good practice to copy off an existing work, but you'll learn more effectively if you create something yourself.
a better understanding of anatomy will definitely help
but your art is already pretty good for someone who had only started drawing for two weeks
(and hey hey!! I'm an english major too!…well...actually...I'm just a freshman right now...)
ooo taboo~
your sanji is scaring me o.O
Thanks for the advice, and the compliments, I've been planning on trying my own stuff, Like I said though, I'm just starting, eventually i'll be doing my own creative works, I just wanted to get the feel. But thanks, the encouragement will keep me going!
Nice job with the color taboo…did you figure out how to make layers? :) I think you could push the contrast a little more. Get some darker darks and lighter highlights.
My fanart:
I can't color well. :(
Bribop: Practice makes perfect. Can't sum it better than that!
Taboo: Nice colors! I just realizes that Sanji's rather…skinny
Akumahito: Um, to color using color pencils, it would be best if the "whites" among the "colored" do not show. In other words, the colored parts should be "full". I don't use color pencils, though, that's just an advice my teacher gave me. Keep it up!
Ah, finally something villainous:
The rings got scanned, too, and the size gets too small >.<
Arlong's words can't be discerned. He was saying, "So, as I was saying, I brush my teeth 6x a day, cause, you know…."
I always assume that Arlong's hair isn't all black (At least in his wanted poster).
AkumaHito - Cute. ^_^
changsho - Nice drawing. :) I like the quote. XD But you know, since he can keep regrowing his teeth, he probably doesn't need to brush that much. Unless it's just because of his breath. XD
Originally posted by CosmicDebris@Apr 23 2005, 06:50 PM
**AkumaHito - Cute. ^_^changsho - Nice drawing. :) I like the quote. XD But you know, since he can keep regrowing his teeth, he probably doesn't need to brush that much. Unless it's just because of his breath. XD
It's kinda painful to pull them out, no?
I usually don't color my drawings, tho ._. They turn out crappy.
taboo - Love the Sanji (the colors look great but I also prefer the b&w for some reason)
Changsho - GREAT arlong! I'd think he would brush to keep them looking scary.
AkumaHito - I love Alice so this really makes me smile. Love Robin as Queen of Hearts and what is a more perfect fit than Usopp as the Cheshire Cat?
taboo - like said, a greater contrast between light and dark would make your drawing have more depth. Blending your colors together doesn't necessarily gurantee good result, it often makes your painting look flat.
here's just a little tip (in courtesy of Mr. Morr)…k/tutorial2.jpg…/junk/color.jpg
…and I'm gonna shut up now before I sound like a teacher XD;;
already sounds like a teacher GAH!!
Changsho - I never colored my work neither >: D~
but I started practicing coloring recently : x
you know what they say >_O;;
pratice makes perfect (and I'm faaaaar from it XD;;)
sorry taboo, : x
I couldn't resists x_X;;
your sanji kept calling out to me while I slept last night
and I just had to practice coloring it XD!
anyway, this is what I'm talking about, greater contrast b/w dark and light
(in progress)
Yeah, that's what I mean about the contrast. ^_^ Sometimes I don't push it enough myself. I'm always afraid of going to far. And I don't always clearly identify the light source. I'm also guilty of too much blending. I need to not be such a control freak. I don't have so much of this problem with real paint as I do with computer paint.
It's good to make the body parts that are in the backgound a solid dark shade so that the parts that are in the foreground will pop out and look more 3D. Another thing my life drawing teacher told us was to do what is called a "core shadow" where you make the edge of the shadow on a figure darker (kind of hard to explain without showing it) but they aren't necessary. BTW Are you using Photoshop, Eggy?
hmm…I think I've heard of this 'shadow core' before
but then again, when I was still attending art classes I did more charcoal than painting =
hmmm anyway
here's another tutorial that might be handy
(courtesy of Mr. Tsunemori)
and yes I'm using photoshop : x
though I don't really like to color on computer though
I'll buy one of those pen that works like water painting soon and practice coloring by hand
(but I gotta admit ctrl+c is hella useful x_X;;)
I work better with real paint, but I like the fact that computer paint doesn't make a mess, stain my clothes and make my room smell like turpenoid. XD I'd like to get the hang of it more. I guess the key is to use it more like I would real paint rather than treat it so differently.
normyk: Thanks! :3
Eggy: Practice does make perfect XP
Cosmic Debris and Eggy:
Well, if you have a tablet, I don't see why you should paint with real paint, unless to achieve some sort of effect that tablets couldn't give. I mean, the advantage of coloring them not digitally is you have more control, right? Tablet gives you that…Not to mention all the undo features and framing....
But do you guys think color pencil can achieve just the same? They're a lot easier to handle...
Whoo hoo…I haven't been here in a bit. I blame school and the way it sucks out my drawing abilities.
You people ands your talents all rawk my socks.
So yeah...I gots pictures! First we have Nami. Drawn on the back of my alegebra warm-up, but it's my best picture of Nami. I'm insanly proud of it, it figures I had to finally draw a good picture of Nami on the back of school work. Anyway, I did it without referances, so I'm sorry about any mess-ups on her outfit. noddu noddu And for those who haven't seen it, this is a paper with a bunch of One Piece doodles on it that my friend Mary and I did. I told Mary to draw Luffy and she did, with poison suction cups. I added a crappy, two-minutes-to-draw Zoro and it all spiraled from there.
Cosmic Debris and Eggy:
Well, if you have a tablet, I don't see why you should paint with real paint, unless to achieve some sort of effect that tablets couldn't give. I mean, the advantage of coloring them not digitally is you have more control, right? Tablet gives you that…Not to mention all the undo features and framing....
Why paint with real paint? Because you can't learn about mixing paint so much with a computer. Plus the medium isn't very permenant. You can't always rely on technology. I have a tablet, it will never replace my paint brushes.
Hmm…makes perfect sense. Both means have their advantages and disadvantages...
Ah well, I haven't really done coloring for years now (the last time was in high school)... I just feel that pencil's my best friend hugs And ink. Computers are good for cleaning up things, but it's kinda clumsy without a tablet >_<
Currently working on Usopp (again!)
Eggy, where's the daily strip? :) waits hopefully
actually, the reason why I want to draw by hand is because I want to stick to the traditional way of drawing XD~
Oda himself doesn't color on the computer, he colors by hand
(but that makes me abit of Oda-Wannabe…but...bleh!)
I also have a tablet but I feel so stiff when drawing with a tablet
that's why I prefer hand-drawing XD;;
changso - o oops, sorry XD;;
I spent the whole day drawing the Sanji picture and is currently working on strips for other projects XD~
that means there will be no update today : x sorry : (
I'll try to get something up by tomorrow morning if I have time XD;;
I'm new but I've been browsing this amusing thread for quite some time. I like all the drawings posted here. Some of them made me roll on the floor, clutching my sides, while others left me green with envy.
There had been a major Usopp lurve explosion a while ago, but I guess it has died down a bit. (Too bad, since I wanna pimp my Usopp LJ comm, but hey…)
A n00b, but I don't come empty-handed, sirrah! So, here's my greeting gift (quite old, forgive me) :
Warning: Slight nudity, but nothing graphic.
I hope I don't screw up my first post. crosses fingers
Dig the picture Ranier.
I tried doing something on Paint.
I failed so bad… head towards a cliff
oh man lol Ranier that is a really really fine piece of work
everything looks so perfect!!
I really like the use of colors in this one
great work!! more please!
Sloth - hands Sloth a parachute, lol, no need, if you did that in Ms-Paint, then you're awesome. A great piece of work. Have more confidence in yourself. Keep at it : D!
MS paint? Mine only says Paint only.
And thanks Eggy, I like your work. They are Amazing.
Usopp love continues!
Slingshot got cut off ._. Paper too big. Was gonna make him do Impact, though.
Sloth - lol, MS Paint just means Microsoft Paint (I think…), it's the same thing as Paint XDD
changso - my jaw dropped and I can't get it back up. falls to his knees and worships THAT. IS. SO. AWESOME!!! XD!!!
ahh bah!! I'd loved to practice color it but it's already shaded ;_;
@Sloth: Thank you. I'm impressed with your Zoro Paint myself. I will never be able to achieve that using only Paint. Did you only use mouse to produce that?
@Eggy: Whoa, thanks. :) I'm eagerly waiting for your strips. They never fail to make me laugh.
@changsho: The picture came out clean, yes? I don't know what happened to Usopp's lower part, though. It's probably the scanner's problem. I was going to brush him all red. XD I like his face and arm the best.
Ranier - Lovely! :) and provacative.
Changsho - WAAA Usopp! glomp :D
@Raner: Yeah, mouse only. Hurts alot.
@changcho: King… King among Men.
Eggy: I'm actually practicing to shade, cause one of my friends said that my drawings look too 2-D. I never plan to color, so I shade… ^^
CosmicDebris: The air is full of Usopp! This is supposedly during his final fight with one of the CP9.
Ranier: Thanks for scanning it... owe you one. YA HA!!
Sloth: That's.. a bit much ._. Oh, your mouse skills are l337!
Latest from me:
Awsome Dragon! That Sanji is magnificant! Great work! Now do one of Chopper for me :P. Or someone else pls :)
Originally posted by Tony Tony Chopper@Apr 24 2005, 02:11 PM
Awsome Dragon! That Sanji is magnificant! Great work! Now do one of Chopper for me :P. Or someone else pls :)
Oh definatly. Always wanted to do a Chopper drawing. Thanks for the inpiration.
[quote][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior[/i]@Apr 24 2005, 09:19 PM
[b]Latest from me:
[/b][/quote]great work Dragon very nice
Jesus?! o you crack me up XD!
Hm, can't say I ever pictured Jesus wearing a straw hat. :P
Ah sorry, I was banned from the computer all saturday and sunday so I never got to reply to anybody!
The reason why the contrast is so bad is because I couldn't separate the line art on my picture. I followed all the steps in the tutorial you gave me cosmic, until I realized that Photoshop Elements doesn't have channels. :( (ha ha, I was renaming my layers RGM, blue, alpha 1, etc. before I figured it out. xD ) What I did was I set my eraser to 300px at about 50% opacity and I just erased over the picture and colored underneath. Seriously, I was using the darkest color swatches I could, but the white of the image made everything brighter. -bleh- I'll just stick to prismas and copics for now I guess.
Changsho: OMG. Awsomness. <3<3
Sloth: Wow, a mouse? That sucks! You draw good with it though!
There had been a major Usopp lurve explosion a while ago, but I guess it has died down a bit. (Too bad, since I wanna pimp my Usopp LJ comm, but hey…)
It will return. Right after my art block. x3