e1n, are you seriously defending something that you're ASSUMING about the male populace? How are you to know that males enjoy yuri/the thought of lesbians because they'd like to be involved in it? That's quite short sighted on your part, as some people like myself just enjoy it because it's hot and would never participate themselves. Like Cyringohn said, why are you trying to generalize males? And then you get uppity and start arguing like a child. :sad: You have to accept that you're basing your "theory" on assumptions and generlizations that are not true.
Because there's plenty of topics that can't really be answered with that reply.
However, asking why a sexual practice is interesting is about the silliest question ever. We can sit here and talk and talk and talk about it, coming up with generalizations and other crap, but it ultimately leads to one single factor: people are attracted to it.
As previously stated, the question is exactly the same as asking why some guys like girls with blonde hair. "WELL, I BELIEVE THIS STEMS FROM AN INNATE ATTRACTION TO THE COLOR YELLOW, POSSIBLY DUE TO A SUBCONSCIOUS LIKING OF THE SUN AND BLAH BLAH…" Er, no. Those people like blonde hair.
Your entire post consisted of utter common sense, and things that have nothing to do with the discussion, posts.
+"Yaoi is drawn in a style that girls read."
+"Most yaoi characters have no body hair and are pretty, because girls don't like real men."
+"Girls buy yaoi."
+"Guys like yuri because they like having a threesome."Yeah, that's nice. But it doesn't even answer the question. Why? You can't logically explain why a demographic has a sexual attraction to what it does. Not without stereotyping everybody into some kind of Idiocy Lump that can't think for themselves.
This about sums up my feelings adequetly.