Agreed but when somebody fucks up on either side the reprecussions tend to differ.
Family Guy: Isn't abuse funny?
Sadly I have nary a clue what you're talking about as I said, I haven't watched this episode nor do I intend to. But the fact that you even mention they treat Dick Cheney like a Bondsian villain is enough to confirm any suspicions.
Cheney wasn't in the episode; in fact, there wasn't any overt political commentary in it at all beyond a "WHY AREN'T WE FUNDING THIS?" about stem cell therapy. I thought the implication in your message suggested that there was something in this particular episode that had pushed you over the edge.
What's next?
Eh, I have far fewer problems with Family Guy's display of politics than I do South Park's; unless I'm forgetting a particular episode, Family Guy hasn't made an entire episode devoted to dismissing a serious political cause and mocking those who champion it like South Park has. Ultimately, lazy comedy offends me far less than comedy that seeks to minimalize a real issue.
unless I'm forgetting a particular episode, Family Guy hasn't made an entire episode devoted to dismissing a serious political cause and mocking those who champion it like South Park has
Those are my favorite South Park episodes! When they say, "Look we know this is important, really it is….But you fuckers on both sides need to calm the fuck down and not act like like douchebags and not take your issues so seriously, since in the end you don't really give about issues, just poll numbers."
As opposed to Family Guy's:
Clintons slept around! LOL!
Cheney likes guns! LOL!
You know, even though I used it as an example, I don't care about the bias (which there is but I don't care about one if it's right) insomuch as I do, it's fuckin' stupid.
Instead of REALLY examining an issue like South Park will through some brilliant metaphors, they just say, "It's good for these reasons and you should believe it!", while completely ignoring any other side.
There's that and like I said earlier, if I wated to see George Bush and Dick Cheney get railed on, I'd read a newspaper.
There was a scene a few episodes back that just encompasses everything Family Guy was.
"You did for (blah blah) what douchebags did to the guitar."
cut to scene from any college campus of some Abercrombie jackass playing the guitar on a college campus
That was gold.
Chris' discussing movies on the job at the quick mart?
That shit is hilarious. I don't need, "Fund stem cell research because it's good and we say so!", or, "George Bush is evil!", or, "Bill Clinton sleeps around!"
I mean honestly? Who the fuck cares what he did however many years ago, do we need to revisit that again after all this time? It's as boring and overexaggerated now as it was then. They suck at political humor so they should get back to what they do best, making fun of cripples and drunks.
That bit with Chris discussing movies, was dull just the same as it was a dull episode.
There's that and like I said earlier, if I wated to see George Bush and Dick Cheney get railed on, I'd read a newspaper.
Depends on which one you read.
I mean honestly? Who the fuck cares what he did however many years ago, do we need to revisit that again after all this time? It's as boring and overexaggerated now as it was then.
Pretty much everybody, as you should know Presidents and scandals go hand in hand in this country even if some people wanna move on in certain aspects that doesn't mean that everybody else in this country is going to do the same
That shit is hilarious. I don't need, "Fund stem cell research because it's good and we say so!", or, "George Bush is evil!", or, "Bill Clinton sleeps around!"
Last night's episode was actually about Peter suffering a stroke from eating too many hamburgers, and after stem cells repair the damage that was done to his body he decides to go after the burger chain in retaliation, it also featured a sub-plot of Stewie making a bet with Brian to go to Meg's school as a new student.
That bit with Chris discussing movies, was dull just the same as it was a dull episode.
A difference of opinion? On the internet?
Depends on which one you read.
I'm wondering how this tit-for-tat statement relates to the topic. Is the appropriate response along the lines of, "I know you are but what am I?"
Pretty much everybody, as you should know Presidents and scandals go hand in hand in this country even if some people wanna move on in certain aspects that doesn't mean that everybody else in this country is going to do the same
Really? Then why do I see everyone saying, "Forget it and move on, he apologized." No one cares. It's boring and not comical. It's tired and a prime example of shitty writing.
Last night's episode was actually about Peter suffering a stroke from eating too many hamburgers, and after stem cells repair the damage that was done to his body he decides to go after the burger chain in retaliation, it also featured a sub-plot of Stewie making a bet with Brian to go to Meg's school as a new student.
Okay, and….what does a description of the episode that Ubiq already gave do here?
I dunno what people are goin' for here. You're not going to be 'more right' by continuing to point out irrelevant, obvious, or opinionated 'facts'. It's how I feel about it and it's something I've noticed that turned me off to the show.
You can't say it doesn't exist because if it did, I'd still be watching and enjoying it like I did for 3 seasons and I slowly but surely watched the quality slip as the episodes got more and more centered on trying to be politically 'charged' (GLARINGLY so these past two seasons) when it's just late-night monologue runoff with some sparsely placed decent manatee jokes and non-sequitors.
See, above Ubiq made a point about South Park.
A valid point.
But it just so happens, I LOVE that kind of take on heated topics. And just because he doesn't enjoy it doesn't mean I have to be pissy about it or try to qualify it.
It may groove with you and if you enjoy watching that, hey, your thing, I'm not ridiculing you, so don't take it personally.
We have a resident Tim Heidecker & Eric Wareheim Hater here, who wants to see these two get what's coming to them badly so not really much of a surprise there.
Although, I do have to confess something. I stumbled on a sketch with David Cross last night that…made me lol. But hell, I like David Cross, so I liked that one part. Rest of what I saw (collectively 30 seconds) was garbage.
I kind of see what Ubiq's saying about South Park. I find some of the episodes that don't try to make some giant statement to be much more enjoyable.
Family Guy's episodes that try to center around one issue tend to be pretty embarrassing.
I kind of see what Ubiq's saying about South Park. I find some of the episodes that don't try to make some giant statement to be much more enjoyable.
Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. The whole joke of the manbearpig episode is predicated on the notion that "Al Gore believes in global warming! Hahaha, what a douche!" I really don't see why that's supposed to be funny to begin with.
Family Guy's episodes that try to center around one issue tend to be pretty embarrassing.
That has a lot to do with the fact that the vast bulk of the cast are, at their heart, unlikable jackasses; as such, their message episodes tend to be "Peter is a colossal prick about ______ until he learns his lesson… sorta."
The whole joke of the manbearpig episode is predicated on the notion that "Al Gore believes in global warming! Hahaha, what a douche!" I really don't see why that's supposed to be funny to begin with.
So you didn't get the underlying ideas that basically said:
Global warming is an issue.
It's something to think about and keep in the back of our minds.
Some people extort the idea and use it to their own advantage….Like Al Gore.
I think the best part was in how they followed up with the idea in Imagination Land in showing, wow, it really does exist, and it's pissed.
Either you like that style...or you don't. I can't argue that. In the same vein Family Guy becoming a monologue for Seth's ideas presented in a very one-sided view (I'm not saying Right or Left, simply that there is no counterpoint ever presented) doesn't rub me the right way.
While I'm sure a good deal of his attitude is SUPPOSED to be for show and it's supposed to piss people off and in that vein be funny (take the episode he spent bashing 'critics' of Family Guy) it doesn't work for me.
I much prefer Matt and Trey's devil may care attitudes towards not only politics, but the world in general. But that's just me.
A difference of opinion? On the internet?
I'm wondering how this tit-for-tat statement relates to the topic. Is the appropriate response along the lines of, "I know you are but what am I?"
I meant certain forms of media such as the newspapers are biased in this country.
Okay, and….what does a description of the episode that Ubiq already gave do here?
I was just giving a simple sypnosis as to what the episode was about seeing as how you think every episode revolves around single handedly slamming the rebuplican party which this episode ironically enough didn't do.
Also this is what Ubiq said
@Ubiq:Cheney wasn't in the episode; in fact, there wasn't any overt political commentary in it at all beyond a "WHY AREN'T WE FUNDING THIS?" about stem cell therapy. I thought the implication in your message suggested that there was something in this particular episode that had pushed you over the edge.
Was a pretty weak episode, Only worthwhile jokes were Ricardo montalban/cow`s speech at the end and the monopoly guy getting raped.
I much prefer Matt and Trey's devil may care attitudes towards not only politics, but the world in general. But that's just me.
To each his own. I personally think Matt and Trey's approach to politics to be immensely shallow and ignorant sometimes. Sometimes they can be funny, but other times they come off as uninformed, immature pricks with no grasp of the issues at hand IMHO.
Like I said, to each his own. To be fair, Family Guy isn't exactly my idea of "intelligent social commentary" either. In fact, since when is Family Guy intelligent? That's the point though, I guess.
Was a pretty weak episode, Only worthwhile jokes were Ricardo montalban/cow`s speech at the end and the monopoly guy getting raped.
I thought his voiced sounded familiar but I wasn't sure.
To each his own. I personally think Matt and Trey's approach to politics to be immensely shallow and ignorant sometimes. Sometimes they can be funny, but other times they come off as uninformed, immature pricks with no grasp of the issues at hand IMHO.
Everything they do is shallow let's make fun of Jews oh wait let's make fun of Homosexual's or let's make fun whatever are viewers will think is funny I could never understand why I used to think South Park was good TV with crappy jokes
and uninspired animation. -
You could tell Seth McFarlane was getting full of himself when every episode for the past few years have featured him singing in some form. "HEY CHECK OUT MY AWESOME VOICE I MAKE FAMILY GUY AH HA HA HA HA HA"
yeah, I pretty much hate what the show is now. And it's especially bad since it makes it difficult for me to enjoy some of the earlier episodes.
and fuck Hot Topic
I guess ever since he missed the plane that crashed on the Trade Center towers he started to get all "Ohhh… look at me I'm so great! My testicles are bigger!"
Like I said, to each his own. To be fair, Family Guy isn't exactly my idea of "intelligent social commentary" either. In fact, since is Family Guy intelligent? That's the point though, I guess.
Family Guy is supposed to be funny. However, when it attempts to be "intelligent" it fails horribly at being funny. I think South Park's better at being "intelligent" because the message usually isn't paper thin. Ultimately though if it's funny enough, I really won't care what message they would be attempting to ram down my throat.
I guess ever since he missed the plane that crashed on the Trade Center towers he started to get all "Ohhh… look at me I'm so great! My testicles are bigger!"
what the fuck was that
what the fuck was that
Family Guy is supposed to be funny. However, when it attempts to be "intelligent" it fails horribly at being funny. I think South Park's better at being "intelligent" because the message usually isn't paper thin. Ultimately though if it's funny enough, I really won't care what message they would be attempting to ram down my throat.
Point taken. Like I said, Family Guy isn't intelligent. I do see Greg's point though that Family Guy is trying too hard to be political. I have the same sentiments about South Park.
no I mean everything else in that post
oh that part….your guess is as good as mine
no I mean everything else in that post
That was just an example of why Seth is all full of himself. Sometimes when a person escaped death, they would go on and brag about that. That post has nothing to do with racism so while this is just a dry humor, you don't need to get all cockey with me.
I think this is a great moment in AP forum history.
I'd like to know why you mentioned racism.
As for Family Guy, I don't think I've actually seen that many new episodes. But I don't watch a lot of tv really.
But when I'm not at my apartment (which is the only place where I have a lot of channels), I'll sometimes watch it when there's nothing better on. I usually find a few parts in each episode are funny.
"The Muppet Babies did it back in the 1980's and it was much better than this."
Quoted from someone on Newsarama regarding the Star Wars episode. And I agree.
I do see Greg's point though that Family Guy is trying too hard to be political. I have the same sentiments about South Park.
While I would never contend that South Park doesn't bring up political or societal issues more often than not, the difference between SP and FG is that SP takes about ten steps waaaaay back and looks at it from all sides, then it exaggerates the SHIT out of the issue. It's not saying, "This is bad!" (well…except for Scientology), nor is it saying, "This is good!", what it does is manage to flip the issue on its head, showing us from another perspective what really is good and what is bad about it. Then, unless the issue is blatantly wrong, it let's us decide for ourselves instead of championing a side.
Good example I think was in the episode "Cartman Sucks" which deals with Christianity trying to 'fix' 'bicurious' individuals.
What it does it rip the shit out of divisions of the Christian religion that try to 'fix' possibly bisexual youth. It does this by means of them driving youth to suicide, fucking up their brain and forcing a clearly flamingly homosexual man into thinking he's straight, so much so that he became a priest.
What What Whaaaat!? How could South Park say such things?
Well guess what, sometimes that shit happens, not all in one place of course but of course there have been bisexuals who've killed themselves because they were meant to feel ashamed for being who they are. South Park blows the issue to an extreme by having kids dropping like flies left and right.
That's where Family Guy would cut the joke having everyone believe that Christians are stupid and force gays to kill themselves and their God is a vicious SOB.
But that's not where it ends. Butters gives a fan-fucking-tastic speech at the end which while humorous, is also dead-on target. He doesn't bash the Christian God or mock the people following it. He simply says that if he's 'bi-curious' and he came from God, then God must be a little 'bi-curious' too.
Great fuckin' line. Funny and insightful all wrapped into one. It's not speaking out the concept of God, it just suggest, innocently as a child would understand it, if it created us and this is how we turned out, then maybe God's a little gay itself.
FANTASTIC thinking point. Then there's Family Guy attempt at taking an issue like tackling Presidents:
How clever of Seth.
Compare that with some of these great moments from Season 1
And it's not that all their comments on religion or politics always fall flat either. Their Jesus bits are fuckin' fantastic. They take great concepts on absurdities of religion and have fun with it. I love that. But there's nothing to think about. You just come away knowing what you knew before.
Very funny! But…no shit miracles didn't happen. Again, not saying it isn't funny, it just isn't breaking any ground or giving me something to think about. And maybe I'm a freak for looking for such things in the comedy I watch but that's me.
Second clip copped out
Out of boredom
I found last night's episode to be rather….weird.
Let's be honest with ourselves when has Family Guy not had a weird moment occur.
^You're right. Nowadays, I seriously find myself giving that "What the fuck was that?" face to the screen while watching Family Guy almost every episode…..actually, at least once every episode.
I heard someone say that they are making a LIVE ACTION Family Guy movie.
Is this true?
Yes, yes it is.
everyone, shhhh
The closest I've heard to a Family Guy Movie being made (sans live action)
was on Attack Of The Show awhile back after the Simpsons movie came out. -
Starring Seth Mcfarlane As Everybody!
Starring John Veiner As Everybody!
….................. -
Love those Clinton jokes, one fine day to be nude and DDR in particular are really awesome.
Cant say the same about the bush ones, not that i mind anyone poking fun at im just that their Bush jokes are usualy terrible.
Vietnam & Katrina (the last bit was kind of low for Katrina Victims)
Well after being on hiatus (again) for the last few weeks Family Guy returned sunday night along with James Woods and Vern & Johnny
(shot by Stewie in Season 5).Personally in was hit & miss, but you have moments like that every so often.
They really didn't need to bring back the Vaudeville Guys.
But now that that's off my chest, I can say with all honesty that I thought this past episode…certainly wasn't the best episode ever, but it wasn't the worst, either. They ended it exactly the same as the last one with James Woods, and I didn't find that funny at all. And they made another painfully unnecessary 9/11 reference (eh heh heh heh heh heh, hundreds of innocent people died, LOL**, relevance**), but that just me right there.
But I guess the overall episode was okay.
Can someone explain the Vaudeville joke to me, plz? I don't get it.
Can someone explain the Vaudeville joke to me, plz? I don't get it.
This is vaudeville: A genre of cairety entertainement joke with the V, guys is that they appear for no random reason with a guy (Vern) telling us something,does a little jig/dance fails at it calls his partner (Johnny) to play for him. They're a running gag, till Stewie kiled them off and apparently they've returned as ghosts and Johnny is in hell because "he liked little boys".
I'll say this, the epsiode wasn't the worst…but American Dad is kicking the shows' ass every week.
They really didn't need to bring back the Vaudeville Guys.
Family Guy usually has situation like that where they bring back characters out of the blue, and when Vern mentioned that Johnny was in hell I bust out laughing.
The funny part was that the other guy was in Hell. I did chuckle at that. But if they continue using the Vaudeville guys after this, I'm gonna be seriously pissed.
I actually thought the episode was pretty good. Rare for FG nowadays imo.
EDIT: That could be mainly due to the fact that the first James Woods episode was one of my favorites of the new ones.
Play me off Johnny
The Vaudeville part was funny. It was a surprise to see them again. But I STILL don't get why James Woods is so special that he gets featured in two full length Family Guy episodes. Can some one explain this to me?
As to why he's featured as the main protagonist in those two episodes I honestly don't know.
The Vaudeville part was funny. It was a surprise to see them again. But I STILL don't get why James Woods is so special that he gets featured in two full length Family Guy episodes. Can some one explain this to me?
What do you mean?
In the first one, Brian suggested that the name of James Woods High should be called Martin Luther king high to impress this black (good looking teacher/girlfriend). Peter who gets a bit angry at this, gets James Woods to stop the name changing at the PTA meeting. After that, Peter and James become best friends, Brian calls off the relationship with his girlfriend and tries to patch up his friendship with Peter. When they get home ,the two find an angry James Woods.
If you want to get a more proper summary, use Sandai's link.
I thought Brian's girlfriend (for that episode) dumped him.