No no no.
Gather round and I'll tell you a tale.
The Writers Guild has gone on strike. This means no writing is going on in the entertainment industry at the moment (which if you ask me is how it's been for a while now rimshot)
A number of shows on television are currently being affected by this move and sooner rather than later, we're finding ourselves in the middle of shows dropping left and right.
Certain shows however, should not be affected by this, namingly shows that have to be completed months in advance ie. cartoons.
Simpsons has almost a full season all lined up. And Family Guy should have the same schedule. In fact, most if not all of the season should be down on paper at the LEAST. That's because when you animate a show, you don't just throw it together overnight. You have to draw a shitload of frames which takes weeks to do.
Enter Self-Loving Smug FUCK Seth.
He came up with some bullshit, "Oh we're always behind schedule and, WHOOPS! Suddenly no more episodes! Ok sry byeee!"
No dickface, you have plenty of episodes done, not to mention the voice work. What you may not have completed is editing or voicing certain scenes. I like when he said something like, "There are rewrites."
Yeah okay dumbass, let's just rewrite a scene. All it takes is A WEEK OR TWO TO GO BACK AND REANIMATE EVERYTHING!
While that could be true for episodes down the line, it's complete bullshit for much of the season's material.
It could also be that they haven't voiced certain scenes. That's very probable but not likely as the situation he described where suddenly, "OOPSIE! NO EPISODES! TEE-HEE!"
So they may air episodes which he doesn't want them to air because he's striking and most importantly, it would prove him wrong, which simply must not be allowed to happen.