I am gonna try out for my basketball team soon, and was wondering how can I build up stamina and run faster. Also how can I run without puking or getting side stitches in my ribs. I have been practicing basketball for 2 months now everyday in order to make the team. I'm good at shooting the basketball but I get real tired real easily. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!!
How do I get better at running and endurance.
Hmmm…"Help"...I wonder where we can put these type of "Help" things...
If only there was a certain Sub-Forum for this...
Do you know how many fitness sites there are on the web? Seriously, use google.
remember to rest sometimes and let the body recover?
Wow you guys are no help at all to this guy.
What I recommend is that you ride your bike for about a half hour each day or jog about 40 minutes each day. Or if you have an exercise bike, use that about 10 minutes before bed and 10 minutes when you get up. Every week or so, try running at your fullest in a certain area. Say a foot ball field, same place everytime. So you can find out when you get tired etc.
^Thanks for your help. Trust me, its greatly appreciated. Same goes for you Gorlom.
Expand your lungs??? Better breathing maybe…...for endurance. I'm not sure if it'll help, but you could try.
Well, let's get this straight: Are you interested in speed training, or is it endurance you're after?
I would assume the latter, but you're thread name is a tad ambiguous, so I'll just help you out in both.
For speed training, use legweights. Strap an extra 10-20 pounds on there and run as fast as you can muster daily for about two weeks. You should notice a drastic difference after that.
Endurance training is easy. Pick a speed that's challenging to maintain, but don't go all out. Run till you can't POSSIBLY run anymore. If you pull that "well that's good enough" bullshit, nothing will be achieved, and you're wasting your time. Run at that speed until you can't run no more. AT ALL. Rinse and repeat daily.
With what Cr4zy is saying about lung expansion, yeah, really good for endurance training, as well as speed training in a lower aspect, but I find it essential in both forms to regulate your breathing patterns as opposed to your actual capacity.
Thanks for your help Sanctum/Cr4zy. O and I was wondering anybody else going out for the team (assuming there's tryouts).
Nah, not basketball, man. Only reason I know this shit is because of football.
Wow you guys are no help at all to this guy.
What I recommend is that you ride your bike for about a half hour each day or jog about 40 minutes each day. Or if you have an exercise bike, use that about 10 minutes before bed and 10 minutes when you get up. Every week or so, try running at your fullest in a certain area. Say a foot ball field, same place everytime. So you can find out when you get tired etc.
i dont think biking helps, running/walking uses different leg muscles than biking
Training montage.
You NEED a training montage if you're ever going to amount to anything by the end of
the movieyour high school basketball career.Alternately: getting tired real easily? MIGHT BE IMPENDING ORGAN FAILURE
i dont think biking helps, running/walking uses different leg muscles than biking
Dead serious? Damn you Gym Teachers!
My other methods still stand though.
I recommend running at least 1 mile a day. While you're at it trying to do X number of so many exercises over the course of the day. Like for example, 100 Push-ups, you'd do maybe 10 every half an hour or so, then keep running.
Frankly, the only way to run longer and faster is to run, and your body gets better at it. 1 mile a day is minimum for (non pro, high school level) soccer players, so for basketball it should make it easy. Just keep it up. Also, while it doesn't help running as much specifically, doing all your exercises back to back increases overall endurance, which will still help running a bit.
Of course, if you're playing basketball, don't forget to practice playing that too. While exercise in general WILL help, your basketball skills won't magically improve along with overall strength. It's like thinking because you do karate, you'll have no problem keeping up in soccer, or that because you can run far and fast in football means you can play baseball easily.
i dont think biking helps, running/walking uses different leg muscles than biking
Depends on the target, if it is about endurance biking might be okay, but yeah, it won´t help with the running. If you want to play any field sport you need endurance AND speed and to improve your running you simply have to run (a little bit longer/faster every day/week). A good thing might be a mix of jogging and dashing (and I mean DASHING). The key as with everything is continuity, everday sencond day is okay (or every third) but slacking won´t help …
If you don´t realize a real improvement within two weeks go see a doctor (serious about that:wassat:).
I still favour my leg weights…
The best way is just running until your body gives out then rest up and do it again like in two days, once you get to the point you want then you do it every day. so pick a hill run up and down it until you puke, rest up, repeat.
speaking of bikes, some ass broke my chain yesterday…but didnt take the bike...
^Wow thats weird O_0
Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Finish close to a gallon if you can.
Eat an apple a day.
Do 20 pushups every hour, except the last two hours before you go to bed. Don't workout before you go to bed. (upper body)
Do abdominal workouts the same time you do your pushups. (center of balance = abdomen)
Pop up on your toes as if you're trying to see something that's slightly above your height. Come down at the same speed. Don't let your heels touch the ground. Do 50 of these. Do same time as pushups and abdomen workouts.(hamstring, glutes + calves)
Stretch your full body throughout the day. (stretches are very important)
The running do on basketball courts or otherwise you risk motivation when you have to go elsewhere to do it. Run the full length of the court and come back, that counts as 2, do 10 of these.
Be as active as possible when you shoot around to the point you should be sweating with a sticky shirt.My advice may too late as I'm guessing the tryouts are just around the corner and these will take more than a couple weeks before you see results. I'm guessing you are trying out for high school basketball, freshman year?
Endurance comes from enduring past your predetermined limits. Psychology. You endure through other things such as doing 2 more pushups after your triceps tighten up, or doing one more lap when your lungs are heaving. The more the idea of "I can go further" enters you mind, the stronger your endurance becomes.
P.S. Have fun while training. I remember when I first seriously got into physical training when I was much younger, I would do it and be watching the 'present day' Toonami classics (DBZ, Tenchi Muyo, Gundam Wing, Sailor Moon) right after I came home from school. Yup. Watching DBZ while doing pushups, real motivator no?
^Thanks for your Advice. I really liked that last comment.
Go run marathons every day.
I do run marathons…..... but not everyday, I have school.
Mind if I borrow your topic ARO? Thank you.
Does anyone know what clapping and doing push ups do?
I mean like when people do push ups, and when they are moving up they clap and quickly move back to push ups. I'm probably being vague but for those who get me, what does it do? -
I'm trying to get motivation to work out, sadly I can't do push ups as I guess I'm just not strong enough (same with sit ups) so I can't really do anything convenient in home. However after reading this topic I'm really considering running, not to mention I have a workout room.
Speaking of which, what in your opinion is the best equipment in a work out room? I usually just do the treadmill.
Mind if I borrow your topic ARO? Thank you.
Does anyone know what clapping and doing push ups do?
I mean like when people do push ups, and when they are moving up they clap and quickly move back to push ups. I'm probably being vague but for those who get me, what does it do?It's more for show then any benefit.
Buuhan: can't do pushups? have you tried doing them on your knees instead on your toes?
have you looked into dumbbells? or what is it you want to work out? just general health exercises? -
I'm trying to get motivation to work out, sadly I can't do push ups as I guess I'm just not strong enough (same with sit ups) so I can't really do anything convenient in home. However after reading this topic I'm really considering running, not to mention I have a workout room.
Speaking of which, what in your opinion is the best equipment in a work out room? I usually just do the treadmill.
You can't even do one? Start with as many you can and increase the amount by one or two each week until you feel comfortable increasing your amount. We all start somewhere, so don't let it get to you.
You don't need a workout room or a gym to get in shape, get stronger, or whatever. Bodyweight excercises can do wonders for you if you can't access a weight set or certain machines.
If I had to say, the best equipment would be free weights (barbells and dumbells) which most people don't really like although they are the most effective as opposed to machines.
Like I said earlier in this thread, there are endless amounts of information on physical conditioning online.
Mind if I borrow your topic ARO? Thank you.
Does anyone know what clapping and doing push ups do?
I mean like when people do push ups, and when they are moving up they clap and quickly move back to push ups. I'm probably being vague but for those who get me, what does it do?1. No i don't mind.
2. Dead justice- If I wanted online info I wouldn't have created this topic to begin with and nobody would be asking questions right now. I want peoples advice not an article on what to do.
See, I understand that. I didn't mean strictly articles, because that's not as real and probably not as personal as a lot of people would like.
Mainly I was thinking of forums when I was talking about online resources. People who dedicate themselves to increasing their physical prowess and helping others do so to.
One forum that may be good is the bodybuilding.com forum which covers lots of aspects. I'm not trying to be negative to you in anyway if that's how you're taking it.
I'm not taking it negative at all. I was just stating an opinion. Also I now see what you are saying. To go to specific athletic sites to help me. I thought you meant articles. Thank you for the advice.
Also how can I run without puking or getting side stitches in my ribs.
I'm a bit fearful for you right now, so tell me, have you actually had these before, or are you giving an example of what happens when people stress out?
I'm a sprinter by trade, so I'm not great with "endurance", but how I trained was just run until I couldn't anymore day after day. Sometimes my legs got sore...I just walked then, running when I could.
During my peak, my muscles increased in size and were as hard as rock, though softer after stretching. I could really move back then, though I was like two or three seconds slower than most of the other guys who were lighter and had been training longer.
Terek: I get side stitches everytime i run ever since I could remember. Some people say just keep running and it will go away but the pain just keeps increasing and it just becomes unbearable to the point where I', screaming in pain so I'm forced to stop.
side stitches arent that uncommon afaik.
though the ones you describe seems a bit odd. for how long can you run with side stitches? if its more then a few minutes i would suggest takeing it slower when you get them instead of keep going.
if its only a matter of seconds i wouldnt be too worried about them.I dont know exactly what causes side stitches but it could be inefficient breathing (meaning the lungs try to get more oxygen to the muscles then they can the way you are breathing)
perhaps you could figure out more by looking at some article? the individual knowledge about this are usually rather low.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Side_stitch (posteing it just incase you want to look at it)