I have this little bet going.
I'm convinced I can crack through a blocker made to blacklist certain websites. As far as I can tell, nobody thinks I can do it. Then again, if any of them attempted it, they'd simply refresh the page or keep opening up new windows/tabs hoping it'll be overloaded and forget or something.
Well, I've got everything set up. I can crack it anytime, since I've done my research and am ready to win this little bet. The only thing stopping me is that I need to Proxy I can run. I figured before downloading randomly and hoping one works, I'd ask you guys at AP, since most of you know what you're talking about and could probably recommend something.
Ins short, the only qualities I need are:
*Must be a good proxy, able to get around moderns blockers.
*Must be something I run from a computer, not a website.
*File size can't be tremendous, although I don't think it'll be a problem unless it's more than one GB, which not many programs are.
Anyone here have a recommendation?