A fellow blog writer of mine linked me to this thread, and I registered just to answer this question. The answer is, beyond even any shadow, a miniscule atom of doubt Kyoto Animation.
-Every anime they make is so overly praised and worshipped as if it's the greatest possible imaginable piece of art a collective body can create
-The fanboys are gloriously unaware that there are other anime works that put in just as much effort as Kyoto Animation and get half the regard they do, just because they aren't Kyoani. How much praise does one studio need for using the same basic formula over and over. Absurd.
-It's getting absolutely intolerable in my eyes, bordering on a joke or meme that has gone to far, and it's really starting to wear on my and my friends enjoyment of anime as well. I think it's starting to grate on others who used to not be bothered either as it's a seasonal thing
-The Kyoani fanboys do not everything needs to be compared to this studios work, this studio covers a very specific area of anime and thus there shouldn't be much room to draw a comparison.
-Kyoani fanboys are among the most defensive I have ever run across. Go ahead, I dare anyone reading this right now to go on a Clannad related forum anywhere on the internet and try to speak your honest opinion about the anime. If it isn't almost universally positive, your probably going to get told how wrong and unfair you are being, get called a "doubter" or a "detractor" and if the forum supports reputation systems, you better check up as you probably just got slammed with negative rep.
-Nothing else I have ever seen, not even Gainax in the 90's approaches just how rabid the Kyoto Animation Fanbase is.