This thing is awesome. You type in your name/place/possessions/tounge and it comes up with a bunch of random sentences about you.
earthworm is drowning
earthworm is shaped exactly like any other worm
Then why do I have my own name
earthworm is an example of a ____________ worm one answer only
earthworm is a type
So, they found out my terrible secret.
earthworm is made up of more than 100 segments
They all have 1000000000 HP
earthworm is 70% protein
70 segments made entirely out protein…..
earthworm is vulnerable
That's bullshi-(dead)
earthworm is certainly a giant amongst the 3
The other two being my hands
EDIT: I'd reccomend only putting one word in here, and only using one that exists.
earthworm is non
Short for Anonymous
earthworm is an example of a foraging herbivorous annelid
An annelid is a term given to animals under the phylum "annelida"
earthworm is actually an extremely useful animal
I'm of no use to soiety at all.
earthworm is a well
I'm full of candy.
earthworm is a character from james and the giant peach from the author roald dahl
Funny, I've never read that.
earthworm is filled with the intestines
So there is only one set intestines in thw world and I have them.