Arlong Park General Forum FAQ
Note: By reading this, you accept the fact that you should know this information and should not make a topic asking for help. Should you continue to make a topic about a problem addressed here will result in me closing the topic and laughing at you. (And I do have a nice picture to help me in that effort.)
Q: How do you get an avatar?
A: You take a picture of 151x151 size (most forums use 100x100), and upload it from your computer if you saved it, in the option in your control Panel that says “Edit Avatar â€?. If you canâ€t save it, right click the image and select properties. Then copy the URL at the bottom of the little window that pops up and paste it in the proper bar in your Control Panel.
Q: What about signatures? I hear there is a limit on those.
A: There is a limit to the amount of space your signature (Or sig for short) can take. According to the rules, a banner can only have a maximum height of 200 pixels and a width of 400. Also, you have a total space amount of 100 kbs for sig items. To find out how big something is, right click the image and select properties. Other than that, itâ€s the same deal as avatars except you go to “Edit Signatureâ€?
Q: The size info was listed in bytes! I donâ€t know how big it is! Can you help me?
A: Sigh…I guess so. An easier way to find out how much space an image takes is to save it to your computer and highlight the image when you go to the folder where you saved it. If it says “100 kbsâ€? or less, you are good to go. If itâ€s over, you canâ€t put it in your sig. Keep track of how much space is left in case you want to add something else. If you donâ€t, I am going to bother you until the problem is solved.
A: Calling me names is not going to make me answer the question any nicer. Your topic was locked of one of many reasons.
- A similar topic was already created.
- It was indecent. (I.E. asking for porn or “Who has the biggest wang out of all the Straw Hats�)
- It was a flame war waiting to happen. (Like making a topic just to say that a character sucks or saying “Zio is a crappy mod.�)
- It had no point to it AT ALL. (This is not to be confused with a topic being in the wrong board, those are just moved to the right place.)
- You said something really, really stupid, like “Letâ€s lie to the authorities about kids getting injured so only WE can enjoy One Piece!â€?
You know, stuff like that. Think of it as something to think about next time you want to create a topic.
Q: Who are the moderators and administrators?
A: Scroll down to the bottom of the main forum page and click on “View Forum Leaders�. Simple, no?
Q: How can I be a mod?
A: Just be a really good member. But I should add a note to that: Donâ€t be a good member just because you want to have power. You should be a good member because thatâ€s what we need. We already have enough administrators and moderators; we want the people who are nice, caring, decent people all around that respect peopleâ€s opinions. Also, weâ€re not going to tell you if you are mod material or not, it takes the fun out of playing head games with you.
Q: Why are there no mods or admins around at a certain time? Is that anarchy time?!
A: Hell no. The fellow mods, admins, and yours truly, are indeed 100% normal, outgoing humans with lives. Some of us have classes to attend to, some of us have jobs so we can survive, and some of us are dead tired from working, studying, and coming to AP. That does not mean you and your friends and go around and break the rules because when we log on next time, we are going to notice your actions. And you can bet your ass that you are going to regret it.
Q: Can I be a mod if I ask?
A: Simply put, no. We decide who is fit for it, and begging us ain't gonna help your case.
Q: I saw this one guy do something that against your rules! Why didn't you guys bother him about it?!
A: Well, if someone isn't being punished for breaking the rules, it must be because we didn't see it happen. But you can do something about that. You see that little warning sign at the bottome-left hand corner of the rule breaker's post? That handy little button will report that post to the staff about the wrong doings of that fellow immediatly. So technically, you are obligated to help us help you. Isn't that funny how everything works out?
Q: Dammit! I made a mistake with a topic, like making it twice! Can you guys help?
A: Sure. Fire off a PM to the mod or admin on currently, requesting that they help fix the problem and we can do it.
Q: Why can't you guys make a rule that forces people to improve their typing skills?
A: Because some of those people are from a country where English is not the #1 language. To force people to improve their skills at typing English or not be able to post at all is rude and inconsiderate. But we can tell you to type in English so everyone can understand what you are saying without resorting to Babel Fish.
Q: Where can I get One Piece?/Is there a One Piece FAQ?
A: ここにいる!(Here!)
Q: I'm a returning member from the old forum and my avatar is gone. What happened?
A: It was too big. See, vBulletin doesn't have an image scale like the old forum had, so if you used a 500x500 avatar and had the old forum scale it down, vBulletin thinks that it's good enough for here and show it in it's true 500x500 form. They screw up the pages so we have to get rid of them. We apologize for the inconvieance.
Q: Why can't we see our post counts underneath our avatars?
A: Because we made it that way. It's a step in the right direction to stop people from spamming up the place with the hopes of getting glory with a high post count. I personally find it annoying when some postwhore decides to post in a topic saying irrelevant things about the topic at hand, just to get a free post. So, we removed it. The post count can be seen by clicking the profiles, but it's a start.
Q: I have this one question about not being able to see ava-
A: Stop right there. This will answer your questions about the new forum.
End FAQ.
If you have any questions that have not been answered, PM me so I can try to answer. If you have a suggestion for a question, help me answer it because Iâ€m not always this motivated to look for information.
New Edit: Updated the signature questions to list the requirements for signatures in the new rules, removed all of the goofy questions, and added some new ones.