I don't really like forums. I don't like going out. Most of the time, I perfer to stay indoors. Thankfully, I have the internet to keep me busy, sometimes. Point is..I don't like forums. Mostly because, I do not like people. But what I have noticed is that when I am on forums I notice that a lot of people have a vast amount of knowledge. Before I continue, I want to tell you that I am not complementing everyone on every forum, because most forum members are idiots. Still, I have seen a lot of intelligence and knowledge in some forum members (I am talking about most forums Ive been too, this doesnt apply only to AP). So my question as funny as it seems, is: How are people so intelligent? Weird question, right? But there is something else that comes into play that boggles my mind.
Time. There is never too little of it, which is why I ask how people can know so much. For instance, I know my way around a computer, at least for the most part. My family comes to me for help when they need help with something on the computer; but when I compare myself to some other people on here I feel as if my computer knowledge is equal to that of a 2nd grade math compared to Calculus! I come to the conclusion that, "No surprise, they must study a lot about computers"; but recently I have began to think a bit deeper. Most of you guys know a lot about anime, life, manga, computers, almost everything about everything. How? From a little study I did, most teenagers/young people sleep about 8 hours a day. Which leaves about 16 hours left. Granted thats enough time to get yourself educated in things, but what about chores? Your personal life? Other things you have to do? I dont think that anyone here spend 16 hours straight online learning things.
There is so little time, yet so many people seem to know a lot. I try reading Jo Jo's Bizarre adventure, yet I still find myself stuck in part 1. Yet, there are those who know so much because they are all caught up! How? Its so fucking long. I dont have enough time to read it! Let alone all the other titles I read, or want to read. How about anime? I have a shit load saved onto my hardrive that I havent watched. I try, but theres never enough time to catch up! Same thing with computers? Games? I mean no matter how much I think about it, computers are so vast and theres so much to learn; but I never have the time! I am busy doing other things (chores, life, anime, manga, school, work, finishing my book) that I cant sit down and research a topic. Same thing goes for anything else! I want to read books, but I never have enough time. I mean there's never enough time! Our lives are so short; but theres so much to know, so much to be discovered! I mean doesnt anyone realize that this will the the only August 14, 2007 that we will ever have? This quote always pops into my brain when I talk about time: Life is but a vapor, it appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away. (I will be in great awe if anyone can tell me where it's from)
Basically what I am trying to say (and its really really difficult to explain) is how can people have all this knowledge and still go through all the same things I do. I mean I assume most people sleep, go to work/go to school, have lives of their own, eat, takes shits, and all that; but still manage to know a lot more than me.
I am not complaining that I know little. For the most part, I am jelous that people can have lives and maybe be as busy as I am and know so much.
I want to learn more, yet I dont have time. Maybe I am just stupid. I can accept that, but how do you do it? Do you manage your time a certain way? Does everything just fall into place?
How can you go through your life yet still know so much?
I know it sounds like I think no one can be smarter than me. In a way yes, if people go through the same basic life things as I do…why is their knowledge so much more vast than mine? I like to research, I love to learn, I want to learn, but I never have the time.
I am not trying to insult anyone, just trying to firgure out somethings I have been thinking for A LOOOOOOOOONG time. I am also not complimenting everyone, I just need to know what goes on in other's lives and how they do it.
I apologize for being verbose, and if I sounded stupid. I was just trying to help you understand my thoughts, as silly as they were. I blame coffee for making me post this.
P.S. I just wasted 50 minuets writing this. Fifty minuets that I will never get back.