Looks like a pretty bland chapter.
Hunter x Hunter
Guess he can't used Flutter anymore.
I thought Ikarugo was done using flutters body.
wow, thks Battle Franky. it looks like yupi is about to do some more damage and also ikarugo just missed a narrow death. the lobster guy was aiming for him. wonder why ikarugo was driving ?
I don't like Bourda either.
hopefully after this arc is over togashi will give leorio his spotlight.
I wouldn't really expect this arc to be ending soon, if the next year or two atleast. And Leorio might show up a little bit, but honestly he wouldn't be able to do much fighting-wise.
At the last time Leorio appeared, Gon said "Next time we meet, you'll be a doctor." And Leorio said "Are you saying we won't meet for at least 4 years?"
And this arc can't last forever… If you recall, the previous arcs had a lot more progress per chapter, but I suppose this way is nice too, it's more dramatic and specific. But we'll see where it goes. There's no jump next week, and there's one the next week. Then that's the end of the "like this for 10 weeks."
This arc will end eventually, but there's still plenty to do. Though at least it's progressing, much better than the year and 10 months it was on hiatus.
true Kewl0210. hoping to get better progress and let this arc get done. but i must say i like this arc alot and i don't mind it going a slow progress i keep seeing good things and also we see killua and gon in different situations more so for killuas dad and granddad and netero .
not to mention new charaters. anyway did gon actually beat knuckles in the fights or lost and are they close in strength -
He lost the fight for the right to come to the island and was put into a zetsu state by the little black market interest guy. (I belive they haven't fought since)
But he then scared the hell out of Moreau when he showed him his Janken at full power. (Don't think it meant that he was stronger then the pipesmoker though, just that attack was.)
I believe that shau just haxxorz through morau's smoke jail.
and it's the beginning battle of fight between the sea creatures!!
octopus vs. craw fish who would win? (realistically a octopus would kill a craw fish ) -
can ikarugo fight at all? im sure that lobster-man would probly kill him in a battle.
so is pufu turning into little butterflies to attack morau? or just to escape?
i just went back and reread the whole arc and morau said he was only at about 35% going into the fight.. he might be in big trouble
280 Script
! From Eroguy
Japanese golden week is next week, so they'll release Jump this week.
! 煽り「イカルゴの作戦とは!!」
! ブロウーダ「くそっ!!」
! エレベーターの暗証番号のことを
! ブロウーダ「もう一度試すか…」
! エレベーターの音声「暗証番号の認証に失敗しました」
! 【サイレンが鳴りエレベーターの四方からガスが出てくる�
! イカルゴ(あれは認証に失敗した場合の音!!)
! イカルゴはこれが好機と見て
! イカルゴの持ち味イカルゴ「うおおおおおおおお!!」
! それは何者も恐れない
! ブロウーダ「ちいっ」
! 【念弾を発射するが破壊できない】
! ブロウーダ(なにっ!!)
! ブロウーダはその姿ゆえの
! ブロウーダ(酸掌!!)
! 【エレベーターが溶ける】
! ブロウーダ(よしっ!!)
! 酸掌(アシッドハンド)
! イカルゴ(何っ!?)
! 【中央塔跡】
! ナックル(なんだあいつ…)
(いや そんなはずはねえ)
! ナックルは理解していない
! ユピー「オラァ!!」
! 0:06:20:13
! ナックルがユピーの誘いの成否を思案
! モラウ(……)
! プフ(ウフフフ…)
! プフは分裂していた
! プフ(…)
! プフ「さて」
! 【メレオロンを背負っているキルア】
! キルア(急がないと!!)
! 【プフが現われる】
! キルア(あれは!?)
! 【東ゴルドー上空】
! ネテロ「さて始めるかの」
! 煽り「王の提案とは!!」
! Brovuda is trapped in the elevator which emits sleeping gas.
Ikarugo grabs his weapon and runs to the elevator.
Brovuda use acid hand(nen ability) melt the elevator.
Ikarugo face Brovuda.
! Knuckle sees Yupi roar and thinks that is his chance
but he doesn't know Yupi has turned much clamer than before. So this turns out to be Yupi's chance.
! Pufu escapes form smoky jail and runs to the left tower where he think the king is.
Killua and Meleon sees him and thinks Gon is in danger.
! Somewhere in East Golto the king is start a figth with Netero.
! –------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! エロイ人♪.QrIe30Kvw:2008/04/29(火) 21:13:34 ID:O2c/hAxr0
! ではまた
And next chapter will come up in September. -
Sounds like an alright chapter. The Netero vs. Meruem fight sure took a while. September eh? Ughhh… no Hunter X Hunter all summer... sucks.
September is way too long a wait for more Hunter X Hunter goodness.
Wonder how many chapters we get then? Will it be 10 as usual or will it be more?
I'm hoping for at least 20 chapters.
3 months has been the regular span of breaks, having it return in September is just 1 month extra. Maybe the extra month is to give Togashi enough time to create a proper ending…
HxH can't have a ending yet.
Just so you guys know, this script was a fake.
That seems to be true. Whenever the real one comes out, I'll translate it.
Also, consequently, the "September" thing isn't reliable. -
whew, glad its fake. sounded weak
All I saw was a bunch of "?????" so I couldn't read it not to mention it wasn't translated. Didn't know it was fake or not since I couldn't read it.
so how do we know when he's coming back or we won't know ? hope we get more than 10 chs, tho i figure it would be 10 as usual
Ch. 280 script from Ero-guy:
! 煽り「絶対に諦めない!! いざぶっ殺死!!!」
! ナックル(〝天上天下唯我独損〟が発動してもうすぐ5分経つ!!)
! (けど…それだとまだ10分以上はただジッと時間が過ぎるのを待たなきゃいけねェ!!)
(何としても奴をもう一回爆発させる…!! でないと…間に合わなねェ…!!!)
(ケリがつく前に…シュートが!! 死んじまう!!!)
! 【ユピーの所へ駆けるナックル】
! ナックル「元気だな 化ケモン」
(かかった…!! オレの罠に……!!! 偽りの…怒りの演技に……!!)
(さあ…!!いつでも爆発してやるぜ!! くくく正確には爆発するフリだがな)
ポットクリン「時間です 利息がつきます」
ユピー「あ゛あ゛あ゛あ゛あ゛あ゛ うるせェェんだよ!!!」
「今すぐ!!! こいつを外せ!!! さもねェと殺す!!! てめェら全員跡形も無くすぞクズ共!!!」
ナックル「そりゃ無理だデクノボー お前 ここではいつくばって死ぬんだよ」
ユピー「フ フ フ フフフフフフ」
! 0:05:03:00
! ポットクリン「 」
! 【膨張するユピーに向かい駆けるナックル】
! 0:05:03:37
! ナックル(いける!!!このタイミングなら確実に一発 いや二発!!!)
(くらえブタ野郎!!! まずはシュートの分!!!次もシュートの分!!!)
(しかしおかしいなオレ アイツの事そんな好きじゃねーのに)
(ま やっぱ一緒に死線くぐったのがデケェな命懸けで何かを共に闘れる奴なんて無条件で親友だろ)
(武士の情けもねェのか!!! 蟻野郎!!!)
(うぉぉぉマジ増々むかついて来たぜ!! オレの分も含めて三発入れる!!!)
(まだ拳振り上げてる途中? おそらく300文字以上考えてっけど!?……あれ?)
(これって…アレじゃね?時間がゆっくり…周りがすげェ スローになるって…死ぬ前の…)
! (!?)
(シュート…!! 悪い…失敗(しく)った…!!)
! 【ユピーがナックルに渾身の一撃を放つ】
! ナックル(これは……利息分じゃ到底済まねェ…終わった…!!)
! 落雷(ナルカミ)!!!!
! 【メレオロンに抱えられたキルアが上空からユピーにナルカミをかける】
! ユピー「ッ…ッ…!!」
! 【ユピーの顔面に一撃入れるナックル】
! 煽り「砕け散れ凶獣!!!」
! 何とかがんばります。なるべ
I'll give it my best.
So the series can continue as early as possible…. <togashi>・・・。 <義博></togashi> -
thanks bf
"ill give my best so the series can continue as early as possible" - togashi
does that mean we might not have to wait 10 weeks? heres hoping
Little translation:
! @Kewl0210:
! > K, this seems to be a true spoiler but from a different source, or else eroijin wrote it in a different style… but I'll translate it.
I'll work from both ends.
煽り「絶対に諦めない!! いざぶっ殺死!!!」
Narrator: "I won't ever give up!! I'll kill you!!!"
No. 280 Direct Hit
Knuckle ("Throughout Heaven and Earth Myself Alone's Only Loss" [a.k.a.
Hakoware] will very soon have been activated for 5 minutes.)
(In that case, the loan is nearing 7000!!!)
(With that amount, he wouldn't be able to pay it all back at once, right!?)
(I just need to avoid a direct hit with my direct hit!!)
(The worst case scenario would be Hakoware deactivating.)
(To win, the amount of attack damage I receive must be taken.)
(If it's with this much with time earned, having waited for this guy would
definitely be fine.)
(But in that case there would still be upwards of ten minutes but that's
provided I can wait for time's passage!!)
(Shoot... Shoot can't wait that long!!)
(何としても奴をもう一回爆発させる!! でないと間に合わなねェ!!!)
(No matter what, I need to make that guy explode one more time!! Without
that, we can't meet that amount of time!!!)
(ケリがつく前にシュートが!! 死んじまう!!!)
(I have to do it before he gets to Shoot!!! He'll die!!!)
【Yupi runs to Knuckle's location】
ナックル「元気だな 化ケモン」
Knuckle "Feeling alright, monster?"
Yupi: "I've finally met up with you, you cockroach.「
(かかった!! オレの罠に!!! 偽りの怒りの演技に!!)
(He came to it!! To my trap!!! To the false performance of range!!)
"Silence this shitty adding guy flying around!!"
"For every time this guy has a pitchy scream your face will be scattered,
irritation." _(さあ!!いつでも爆発してやるぜ!! くくく正確には爆発するフリだがな)
(Now!! The explosion will be at any time!! Kukuku, exploding with accuracy
is a disadvantage, though.)
ホ゜ットクリン「時間です 利息がつきます」
Potclean: "It's time, the interest will now be added."
ユヒ゜ー「あ゛あ゛あ゛あ゛あ゛あ゛ うるせェェんだよ!!!」
Yupi: "Au au au au au au shut UUUUUP!!"
「今すぐ!!! こいつを外せ!!! さもねェと殺す!!! てめェら全員跡形も無
" Right now!!! Take this guy off!!! Or I'll kill you!!! I'll leave no trace
of any of you!!!"
( In the expansion just before I explode, I have to take that time to strike)
(However!!! If with "calmness" and "normalcy" I get angry, I can definitely
control it!!!)
(That guy will go for my opening and thereby open his own, where I will
ナックル「そりゃ無理だデクノボー お前 ここではいつくばって死ぬんだよ」 Knuckle:
"Then I'm an unreasonable blockhead, you, grovel and die here."
(The next, at the next interest increase gong!!!)
"I'll show you who's the cockroach"
ユヒ゜ー「フ フ フ フフフフフフ」
Yupi: "Fu fu fu fufufufufufufu."
ホ゜ットクリン「 」
Potclean: ""
【Knuckle faces the growing Yupi】
ナックル(いける!!!このタイミンク゛なら確実に一発 いや二発!!!)
Knuckle: (Go!!! With this timing, certainly one shot, no, two!!!)
(With all my might, I'll plow my fist into his face in the explosion before
he can avoid it!!!)
(くらえフ゛タ野郎!!! まずはシュートの分!!!次もシュートの分!!!)
(しかしおかしいなオレ アイツの事そんな好きじゃねーのに)
(ま やっぱ一緒に死線くぐったのがテ゛ケェな命懸けで何かを�
(武士の情けもねェのか!!! 蟻野郎!!!)
(うぉぉぉマシ゛増々むかついて来たぜ!! オレの分も含めて三発入れる!!!)
(まだ拳振り上げてる途中? おそらく300文字以上考えてっけど!?あれ?)
� スローになるって死
(シュート!! 悪い失敗(しく)った!!)
(Shoot!! I'm sorry, I failed!!)
【Yupi releases an attack with all his might at Knuckle】
Knuckle: (With this, the interest amount cannot possibly be completed, it's
(Shoot, Morau (Boss), Everyone, I leave it to you from here!!!)落雷(ナルカミ)!!!!
Thunderbolt: (Narukami)!!!! [I'm sure this has some crazy reasonable explanation
maybe in the manga raw… The only meaning I can find is it could mean
"Become God". It's not the attack from 260.]
【Meleon hugging Killua, soars from the sky to Yupi by the Narukami】
Yupi: "...-...-!!"
Knuckle: "Uowo"
【Knuckle lands an attack on Yupi's face.】
Narrator: "Smash the evil beast to bits!!!"何とかがんばります。なるべ
I'll work hard somehow.
As fast as possible in order to get the continuation out
・・・。 <義博>
....<togashi></togashi>_ -
Holy shit. So is
! YUPI TAKEN DOWN???!?!?!?!
If so, holy shit, a ton happened this chapter.
thanks Battle Franky
The mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfffffffffffffffffffffffrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
He can't do that to us dammitNow all we can do is forget you ve read this chapter or HxH at all and continue your life untill togashi decides to continue dammit!!!!!
So is Yupi dead? Or just fucked up?
So the latest 10 chapters have totally turned me off from the series.
Nothing really happened. And I still don't understand Hakoware. It looks like Yupi's not dead yet, just really fucked up.
So the latest 10 chapters have totally turned me off from the series.
Nothing really happened. And I still don't understand Hakoware. It looks like Yupi's not dead yet, just really fucked up.
I understand Hakoware actually, but the latest 10 chapters, I agree the pacing has been fucking terrible. I think it even might have been even more dragged out than a Bleach fight. But, I like the art and the emotion put into it makes me very interested, so I can't really agree. I guess a few things did happen, but I'm really disappointed in the chapter or two wasted on Gon spazzing out about Pitou.
It's not dragged out, it's given a lot of depth. It's not like 5 chapters of two guys slashing eachother, it's talked about the stratagy and all that. And the other storylines.
I agree. In no way is this comparable with the boring dreck that's been Bleach in the Hueco Mundo arc.
Shit's just hella cool in HxH right now. -
I agree Hunter X Hunter is awesome right now, but I'm saying the emotion and description and detail are the things making it good. Take a look at it. It's only been like 5 minutes after 20 chapters or so. You're crazy if you think that isn't dragged out.
I agree about the emotion and stuff. But this is really dragged the hell out.
The breaks are fucking killing me.
So the latest 10 chapters have totally turned me off from the series.
Nothing really happened. And I still don't understand Hakoware. It looks like Yupi's not dead yet, just really fucked up.
What is it you don't understand?
When Knuckles initiate the ability by hitting the opponent he lends the opponent part of his aura instead of dealing damage. This aura is made up of nen and assigned a value that the little flying imp keeps track of.
Knuckles can at any point lend more aura by hitting the opponent again. Aura is repaid when the opponent hits or tries to deal damage to Knuckles. This is automatic and can not be bypassed to deal damage without repaying nen to Knuckles (assuming this is the case as long as nen is used to amplify an attack, which they always are when nenfighters duke it out. Any other attack should easily be blocked by Knuckles defensive nen.)
The number on the imps belly is the opponents "debt" that he needs to pay back to get rid of the imp. Every ten seconds 10% of the current number on the imps belly is added as interest to that debt. (It does not give the opponent more aura like Knuckles attacks does.)
When ever the debt becomes bigger then the total amount of aura the enemy has (meaning the enemy can not possibly repay the debt anymore… guess you can see this as their credit limit to the loan or something) the imp with numbers on the belly turns into the black devil like imp that prevents the opponent from using nen.
When the debt is repaid the imp disapears and the ability is cancelled and Knuckles takes damage from normal attacks again.
Moria: 20 chapters for 5 min would usually be a lot so it's dragged out yes... but I wouldn't say it is dragging on. It's just that he decided that all this happened in such a smal timeframe.
Would you still say that it is dragged out if the time frame was a few hours? or weeks? It being dragged out is not really about in what ammount of time passes in the manga if there is still alot of things happening. It's about if nothing happens in the manga spanning lots of chapters.
I won't deny Togashi is dragging things out; but maybe this way it's easier for him to keep writing at a steadier pace than before. (best proof of this is the amount of spreads he's done since v25)
Also, dragged out as it may be; I'm having a blast reading it. I can't remember when I've experienced shit as epic in shounen manga as HxH's last couple of volumes.The problem with other series; when they start to drag, it's usually due to pressure from the editors. I can't imagine Togashi ever caring what an editor thinks. If it's dragging right now, it's because HE wants it to.
Well, assuming Yupi is still alive, I hope by t he end of the next 10 chapter serialization atleast ONE Royal Bodyguard is killed.
yeh, i love HxH but its hard to tell what togashi is up to…
i doubt the arc will even be over in 20 chapters...
its getting to be like berserk. im wondering if the manga will outlive the mangaka?
who knows and honestly I don't care about waiting until it returns to weekly jump. As long as togashi keeps me interested as he has allways i'll be glad to read.
yep dragged or not
I really like how things are turning out
the fights are awesome (no -I punch you , you punch me and the hero stands at the end-shit). These fights are like a chessgames, every move, thing, luck, … has a role in this game. yeahhh togashi keep them comingAnd as for Yupi I don't think he s dead , because as you know when hakoware is activated knuckle's punches doesn't damage the enemy. But with the added nen Yupi won't last long before he is bankrupt.
And maybe Killua will play the role of shoot and fight against Yupi so the nen-interest gets bigger. It will be a nice way to get to see the real strenght of Killua after his new technique. -
What is it you don't understand?
When Knuckles initiate the ability by hitting the opponent he lends the opponent part of his aura instead of dealing damage. This aura is made up of nen and assigned a value that the little flying imp keeps track of.
Knuckles can at any point lend more aura by hitting the opponent again. Aura is repaid when the opponent hits or tries to deal damage to Knuckles. This is automatic and can not be bypassed to deal damage without repaying nen to Knuckles (assuming this is the case as long as nen is used to amplify an attack, which they always are when nenfighters duke it out. Any other attack should easily be blocked by Knuckles defensive nen.)
The number on the imps belly is the opponents "debt" that he needs to pay back to get rid of the imp. Every ten seconds 10% of the current number on the imps belly is added as interest to that debt. (It does not give the opponent more aura like Knuckles attacks does.)
When ever the debt becomes bigger then the total amount of aura the enemy has (meaning the enemy can not possibly repay the debt anymore… guess you can see this as their credit limit to the loan or something) the imp with numbers on the belly turns into the black devil like imp that prevents the opponent from using nen.
When the debt is repaid the imp disapears and the ability is cancelled and Knuckles takes damage from normal attacks again.
Moria: 20 chapters for 5 min would usually be a lot so it's dragged out yes... but I wouldn't say it is dragging on. It's just that he decided that all this happened in such a smal timeframe.
Would you still say that it is dragged out if the time frame was a few hours? or weeks? It being dragged out is not really about in what ammount of time passes in the manga if there is still alot of things happening. It's about if nothing happens in the manga spanning lots of chapters.
that's overly complicated.
I prefer to pretend Knuckle just goes around punching shit. This is why I read Bleach.
The first set of 10 chapters were far better then the recent 10 though, I must say. Art wise, story wise, everything was much, much better. And the first set had a Netero flashback. 265 was some good shit.
I really wish Togashi wouldn't take so many breaks… He gave way too much of an evil cliffhanger too.
SInce when is Knuckles the Echidna in this manga…
There's no s in his name
Anyway, he said he'd do his best to get it out soon, so maybe the wait won't be a long time this time, maybe only a few issues.
Knuckle's ability is an example of how the detail of this show makes it interesting, it has real depth and precision and there's a lot less "he just suddenly gets stronger and his mask doesn't come off then suddenly a new captain joins and they're in a filler arc" sort of things.
Hunter X Hunter should never be compared to bleach that's like comparing a Kevin Smith movie to a Alfred Hitchcock movie.
I am glad that Knuckle did not die.