Well, wasn't mentioned in the cons discussion sticky, so I am assuming there is no thread for it… and if there is... tough shit.
I know I plan on going. Anyone else?
Well, wasn't mentioned in the cons discussion sticky, so I am assuming there is no thread for it… and if there is... tough shit.
I know I plan on going. Anyone else?
30 bucks.. is anyone worth seeing going to be there?
This one is near my work, so I could go, but I don't know if I want to talk to Naruto's english voice actor if that's the highlight of the show.. You wanna sell me a little on this? ^^
I'm going because I dun remember the last time there was a con in NYC…(was it 2004?). Also... ya think all the guests are gonna be announced 5 months before the convention?
They even say on the site that they will make announcements summer and fall (meaning not all have been announced). The post was to make people aware... and to actually check back on updates.
Sorry =/ I looked at the guestlist and they had a bunch of companies but no one (other than the speed racer VA's) listed.
Well I am bumping this due to the date closing in.
I haven't seen much for guests, but a lot of "premieres" have been stated.
As can be seen here.
I know I still plan on going.
I'm goin, got an aunt up dere
I'd go, but they picked a really REALLY bad time to have a con. Early December is usually when all us college kids have finals. I know I'm going to be working all that weekend to get stuff done for survey, which is the thursday after the con. Also, this con is rather expensive. I don't know if it's because it's in new york, or because they're new and not sure what to do. I know it's only $5 more at the door than most other cons, but it's the artist alley tables that have god awful prices. For a half table, it's $100, and for a full it's $175. That's more than twice what i'm paying at Katsucon in February, and considering i don't make a whole lot at cons, most of what i make would be covering the table fees.
So no. I'm not going.
can't wait for this thing!