Don't get me wrong Luffy is still probably the strongest(Questionable) with
G2/G3 There's no arguement about that
But i believe that Zoro and Sanji are Stronger than his noble Base form
While Luffy was still having some trouble with blueno before going G2
Zoro and Sanji successfully defeated Kaku and Jyabura who even at
their Human form was much stronger than blueno
I think this is what's require to Zoro's and Sanji development as fighters,
I don't thing Luffy is so much stronger than those two that he can beat
them with just his base form, I think Zoro/Sanji > Base Luffy is/would be
good development on oda's part it will show that Zoro/Sanji are really Evolving as
great fighters among luffy.