Will anyone else be going to this con? I know it's a little early for a thread, but I'm curious if folks are going.
Youmacon, MI [Early Nov]
I'm thinking of going, if others will go.
I might be down. I have to see if there's anything going down that friday, such as work or a game.
I'm pissed because I missed Anime North, and I really want to go to a con.
I'll be there Saturday only. I'll probably be the only Lucci there, too. XD
Just found out that I have a room. I'll bring Olvia if I can find a ride!
Anyone coming from the Chicago area? ^^!
Pfft I wanted to go. But one I don't have money and two, I won't be able to get off work.
i would go by it is soo far. sorry but may be next . i promise
oh that would be cool if you could come next year! I am really hoping to go to next year as well!
So I have a ride. I'll be there with Olvia and (HOPEFULLY) TB Nami.
Right now, the OP gathering is scheduled for Sunday..right after the OP panel. I'm trying to pull for a second gathering on Saturday sometime since a loooooot of people leave on Sunday morning.
Update: One Piece meetup will be at 5 pm on Saturday.
17 days to go~