has anyone made a soundtrack for any of the One Piece Grand Battle games? I just wanted to know.
One Piece Grand Battle soundtrack
We got a fricken thread for this, Axe.
Change your sig.
EDIT: Still too big. XD
200 pixels max in height.
yeah but no ones talked about the Grand Battle soundtrack save cindre, and he hasnt gotten abck to me…and I have changed my sig...problem is those dang images...cant make em smaller.
She, and that's too bad. You don't just make another thread cause no one is helping you in the main one.
And your sig has to be 200 pixels in height or less.
wow. theres a regulation to it? oh well…yeah I thought cindre was a she, but I wasnt sure. Aw well...
…did you even read the rules?
Sig rules are as follow:
No more than 500 pixels in width, and 200 pixels in height. And no larger than 100kb in filesize.
@AM: Of course not. He's just trying to cause trouble.
alright. well i have no picture, so yeah. and what rules? no one conducts themselves well anyhow…at least everyone I've talked to. But as for techincal rules, no. I think I'll close the thread.
Oh. Well in that case:
…that is, if I knew how to do that.
YOU can't close the thread. Only admins and mods can.