ok! you did a great job. i dunno if cosmic needs inspiration, or is in one of those no-drawing phases. (i get those sometimes) but since your leaving it up to me… id say it really depends on what cosmic's dream is. if she really wants to be an artist my advise is, draw! draw like your life is at stake! draw on the walls with washable marker when your in the tub, create art when you eat, use a piece of paper as a mouse pad and draw on it while stuff loads. draw especially when you dont want to draw, i know sometime, even for me i scowl at my pencil and paper, its worse then essays where you hate the theme. but do it anyway! draw your shoe, draw realistically, draw cartoony, draw sad, angry, happy, draw your bedframe, your dresser, your friends, strangers, what ever you can.
but if its not her dream, weather she knows what that is or not, and drawing is a pastime, or hobby, then congratulations for a great one, and if she draws for enjoyment, no need to draw if she doesnt enjoy it, right?