I was wondering if there is going to be a continuation of this series. I saw it a long time ago and was wondering since most anime have several continuations, even over time and at the same time. I looked at most places(sunrise, wikipedia, ect..), and couldn't find any indication of yes or no. I really liked the series and would like to know what happened to it.
Is outlaw star coming back?
…why would it have a continuation? I too haven't seen it in a long time, but from what I remembered, it finished.
the brothers are still alive (sorta)
they never made a major confrontation with the Law about the ship
I didn't see all the species that were talked about
most of the shows were epiodic and could eaisily be continued
They were heading to a new Galexy or solarsystem, can't remember which one.
they didn't meet many outlaws
they still owe money to fred, but that may never change
no mention of additional caster producing places were mentioned, but it is undeniable there are
from what i remembered gundam also finished a long long time ago
there is still life in outlaw star if the creater would mearly give it breath
Well, there was a spinoff which I never heard of: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=1
Then there was this manga: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/manga.php?id=1975 which the Outlaw Star manga seems to be a spinoff of http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/manga.php?id=1798 which the anime was adapted from.
they didn't make a sequel to bebop, and that one was really popular. You never know, but I dout it.
There was never a sequel to Cowboy Bebop. There was a movie, though.
You might be thinking of Samurai Champloo, which was made by the same studio with a similar concept (instead of a sci-fi show with a jazz theme, it was a samurai show with a hip hop theme).
Outlaw Star doesn't need a sequel. Most of the conflicts and questions were resolved by the end of the series.
If OS came out today, it would be made of loli, trap, QUALITY, enormus breasts on all the girls, and viral marketing.
Then again there was a lot of simmilar stuff in the show to begin with, but it would be way over the top in OS.
And last I heard, the author was always willing to have more of the story adapted but Sunrise gave it the thumbs down.
That's because OS was a poor sale in Japan, and Bebop was "just another space show".
Hay guys, I heard that Akira 2 is coming out…
...no, not really.
It doesn't need a sequel because it ended pretty good (unless of course the manga cont. after what happened in the last episode)
If you really want more of the Outlaw Star world just watch Angel Links, Buuhan provided a link for it in one of his posts. I'll warn you now however; it is not the best show in the world by a long shot. Though if you liked that lizard guy and blong haired bomb-shell that appeared in one of the later episodes then you might find the show to be interesting, they appear as secondary charactes in Angel Links.
As for a direct sequel, frankly I don't see that ever happening.