Well tommorow I was thinking to buy a DS and maybe a game with it but i really don't know which one so I was wondering which game should I get?
Well tommorow I was thinking to buy a DS and maybe a game with it but i really don't know which one so I was wondering which game should I get?
Pokemon Diamond or Pokemon Pearl.
I don't have a DS nor played either one of em, but it seems it is the best bet.
Phoenix Wright, Trauma Center, mariokart's pretty fun. I'm also an advocate of owning tetris on any sort of hand held game system.
If you're interested in an addiction get Animal Crossing Wild World.
Hmm alright ill try and get these and i dunno about pokemon pearl, my friend says its too short and the online play is boring.
Is trauma center a doctor game? If it is, I played something like it online once.
I would recommend Pokemon, Phoenix Wright, or Jump Ultimate Stars.
I'd say Mariokart. It never fails to amuse me, and ive had it for ages.
One can't really recommend a game until wi know what you like. What games have you liked in the past?
Mario kart was alwasy fun for me. I've been getting into pokemon ever since i found a leaf green a few days ago. I like adventure games like that one wario game for GBA. Anything like tetris is a nono and some sports games.
Fighting games are good too and anything with WI-FI maybe.
Both Mariokart and Pokemon has Wi-Fi.. there's also that Zelda game coming out soon if you like that kind of games