Does anyone else stretch after standing up if they've been sitting for a long time? Or is it just me?
I have a question for all the forum members.
Not stetch as if I were for a basketball game, but yeah I stretch sometimes.
i dont think he ment as a warm up stretch before a game i think he means when you sit down for ages and your bones are nackerd soo you stretch. well yeah i do i think we all do :P
ya, I do all the time. I think I remember hearing that it's sort of like a reflex that your body does, like yawning, when your tired. It helps your body warm up again, and gets your stiff muscles going. Yoru brain sort of just instinktively tells you you should do that.
um, I didn't explain that very well…sorry.
Weird question, but sometimes.
depends on how my back is.
No, although sometimes I stumble around because most of the time after sitting for more than a couple minutes I can't feel my legs.
so how many members yawn when they're tired??
Whats up with the questions?
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Do you guys masterbate? -
I perfer sex.
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I try to do this yoga things everyday (Yoga Flame!). But I don't know if those counts. Everybody should do stretching after a long sit tho. Especially all of us, the nerd, who spend a lot of time in front of a computer.
You know, now that is was mentioned, I recall masterbating is also good for your circulation and stiff muscles.
The CIA set-up Arlong Park to make a diverse and detailed profile of people who frequent manga forums.
Hey guys, is the pope catholic?
oh, i thought these were serios questions.
I don't, I rarely ever stretch….me want to stretch...
I don't, I rarely ever stretch….me want to stretch...
Treat yourself Buuhan.
You deserve it.This thread is breaking barriers.
Yes I stretch. I'm working on 200 funky gum-gums, but my back aches every time.
What the hell? I'm gone for 4 days and this place has gone to hell… :wassat:
Stretching is illegal where I come from.
What the hell? I'm gone for 4 days and this place has gone to hell… :wassat:
I don't know about you, but I'm personally laughing to the last couple of replies.
Today has been a good day. Thank you Jesus.
Dear Jesus,
Its me ,Zephos.
Do you stretch when your tired and am I going to hell for asking this thank you in advance. -