I got all 4 DVDs of the first two OVAs in Geneon's signature series.
My love for the series has been rekindled. I never stop laughing at the scene where Ryo-ohki eats Mihoshi's gun, or the scene where Mihoshi can't take care of a crying baby Taro and begins to cry louder than he is. That's all that's on my mind now. Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi.
I download a rom of the 1995 SNES RPG. Even though I can't understand a single letter (or whatever you call it) of Kanji, I love this game. It's a good licensed game that lives up to what it's based on. Though I find it odd that it's based on the OVA series yet features Pretty Sammy and Washu's two puppets.
And yesterday, I went out to fill in the gaps in my manga collection. I bought the rereleased right-to-left print of volume 7. Mother of shit! They're editing it into young children's fare! What happened to the scene where the guy falls from the ceiling and lands his head right between Mihoshi's breasts? And why do they have to censor nude scenes that don't show anything? Worse part of all, I can't find the reciete so I can't return it to the store. ;__;
I wish there were more any electronic stores near my house that sold the Tenchi DVDs. I want to get the third OVA series so badly.