In general of course, and this is of course every "IDEAL" girl/guy dream person ok. Please remember this your ideal girl/guy, in other words somoene that is totally perfect in your mind and woudn't mind dating…ok enough said.
When it comes to looks for me at least i would have to say she would have to be 5'7 since i'm like 6 ft tall. She would have to have tanned skin, have crystal azure eyes, have maroon hair (no i don't like blonds even though i'm a polish boy). her ethincity would probably be white or hispanic. Also, i prefer small boobs, cause i think big ones get in the way...but that's me. She has to be slender/skinny, no exceptions ( i don't like dating obesse people).
Her personality would have to be fun, cheerful, passionate, kind, and loyal(really loyal) . Also, I would rather her be the dominatant person in the relationship.:happy: For some reason i rather the woman control me than I cotnrol her.
anyways...that's my "perfect" girl that i wouldn't mind dating.
I wonder what you guys/girls are going to come up with?