The Condemned is a thriller film directed and written by Scott Wiper, and starring former WWE wrestler "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and Vinnie Jones. The fights are co-ordinated by Richard Norton, who also stunt doubles for Jones on some scenes. The movie is being produced by WWE Films and released by Lions Gate Films.
The MPAA has given the film an "R" rating for pervasive strong brutal violence, and for language.
Tagline: 10 people will fight. 9 people will die. You get to watch.
The story revolves around Jack Conrad (Steve Austin), a criminal on death row in an El Salvador prison. Conrad is "purchased" by a TV producer who is putting together an internet web show where 10 contestants battle to the death on a remote island. Hunted down by ruthless killers, Conrad's only shot at victory - and survival - is to hunt down and kill the other nine contestants.
So, please don't tell me that this is the Battle Royale remake. But this is probably the best way that they can get away with the fact of they have to kill eachother.
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