Originally posted by changsho@Apr 26 2005, 02:51 PM
Isn't John Giant a Vice-Admiral? If the Buster Call got executed, then maybe we'll see him again.
Depends on what his job is; his entire role in life may be to announce to the Marines that a bounty has been assigned on a person. If so, he probably wouldn't be in a Buster Call.
But why would there be 13 of them? Enlighten me, please…
Hmm… actually, that should be eleven rather than thirteen, I guess I wasn't really paying attention when I wrote that.
Anyway, people have a natural desire to group things into easily remembered numbers; prime numbers are most common used.
Consider Tolkien for instance:
1 Ring to Rule Them All
3 Elvish Rings
5 Races (Ents, Elves, Men, Dwarves, and Hobbits; Orcs and Trolls are bastardizations of the Ents and Elves)
7 Dwarven Rings
9 Rings of Man/Ringwraiths/Members of the Fellowship
It's just a side-effect of having a human mind as this sort of thing pops up just about everywhere.
So far, we've seen, in the World Government alone:
1 Chief Admiral
3 Admirals
5 Gorosei
7 Shichibukai
9 Cipher Pols
The next number in the sequence would be eleven.
Vice Admirals might be next in the sequence, so there's a good chance that there's at least eleven of them.