Haha, oh wow. 'SO RONERY'!
Haha, oh wow. 'SO RONERY'!
Good grief that was fucked up.
Good grief that was fucked up.
I see what you did there.
I've heard of moé culture popularity increasing in Japan and probably in the internet but come on, dolls? These people have been watching too much Rozen Maiden.
This is rather mild compared to cockroach consuming porn, the shit omelette, the ass heels and other horribly wrong japanese fetishes I stumbled across during my journeys in the darkest corners of teh intarnats.
On the other hand, if japanese people weren't so inherently screwed up we probably wouldn't be on this site talking about it, I don't think a Oda could have been born elsewhere than in the Land of the Rising Sun.
And on the other hand, we forget about the vast majority of Japanese who are normal human beings and don't consider doing things like this. :getlost:
Hahaha yeah right.
And on the other hand, we forget about the vast majority of Japanese who are normal human beings and don't consider doing things like this. :getlost:
...but who the hell wants to watch videos of average everyday people going about average everyday lives?
And there wasn't a girl in sight.. surprise, surprise.
"and this is fondeling your pet"
argghhhh DX
This begs the question: at what point in someone's life do they decide to make a living by renting out love dolls? D=
Dude those dolls were fucked up man. Am I the only one who LOL'd when they said high tec vagina's?
Only reason Air sex wont replace real sex:
"We need to reproduce"
and that dude had way to many sex dolls to be considered sane anymore.
"I think love dolls are better, because they make very high tech vagina now." lmao
next thing u kno…theres a spider and its spider webs in the "high tech vagina lol"
I'd like to hear what they said rather than the translation.
You also have to consider, as the organizer of the event he has to say sensational things and even with tongue in cheek that the translation may have dead-panned.
But yes, echoing Carly, this makes great television simply BECAUSE it's a small percentage of individuals.
For one thing, those dolls wouldn't be so insanely expensive if so few people purchased them -_-;
And despite the video's claim of it being a new trend, ask anyone here on the street about 'air sex' and they'd look at you like you had six eyes.
Japan is just a land full of rape and scrawny weirdoes
I love how the translation speakers spoke with stereotypical english.
Show is a closet racist. XD
…..........I'm speechless on this one.
I'd like to hear what they said rather than the translation.
You also have to consider, as the organizer of the event he has to say sensational things and even with tongue in cheek that the translation may have dead-panned.
But yes, echoing Carly, this makes great television simply BECAUSE it's a small percentage of individuals.
For one thing, those dolls wouldn't be so insanely expensive if so few people purchased them -_-;
And despite the video's claim of it being a new trend, ask anyone here on the street about 'air sex' and they'd look at you like you had six eyes.
Yeah, and I don't care how freaky certain individuals are, Japan fucking rocks and I can't wait till I become of age so I can move there.
I also love how the host says "good night" at the end.
"Aye-ya-sumanasai" :/
Yeah, and I don't care how freaky certain individuals are, Japan fucking rocks and I can't wait till I become of age so I can move there.
Well don't get your hopes too high.
I'll stand up for it when it's being portrayed in an unrealistic light but a bastion of awesome it ain't.
You have to seriously love Japanese culture to make it here. And that goes way beyond anime. So far beyond anime in fact, it made my head spin like a mofo after my maiden voyage.
Living in Japan means doing without central heating, many major restaurants without non-smoking sections, chauvanistic assholes, 'uwasa', the gaijin profiling, knowing exactly when and how to bite the bullet for the good of the 'community' which is ultimately your own, crazy mutant mosquitoes, fees for shit that don't/shouldn't require fees elsewhere, insane utility costs, doctors that can't recognize Lyme's Disease and shove metal rods up your nose (NOT FUCKING KIDDING), the legendary wrath and fury of the neighborhood 'obahan', absolutely shitty furniture, lack of giant slabs of cheap meat, no roll-on deodorant, toothpaste without fluoride, assholes running for election to shitty local posts (the noisiest most obnoxious motherfuckers ever that run their mouthes on mobile loudspeakers non-stop), no conveniet real-size ovens, no REAL peanut butter except for import stores, movies from the US agonizingly late (300 comes out in June), Sprite sold in stores only 6 months out of the year and annoying Japanese people that suck at English but wanna be your best friend and refuse to speak in Japanese resulting in 4 minutes of "Ummmmmmmmmmmm" before an inaudible phrase is uttered.
And more.
But seriously. There's a LOT of annoying shit that everyone/anyone considering staying here long-term MUST consider. Like men that have air sex.
wow, greg, your comments about living in japan are very insiteful. always good to be informed.
Living in Japan means doing without central heating, many major restaurants without non-smoking sections, chauvanistic assholes, 'uwasa', the gaijin profiling, knowing exactly when and how to bite the bullet for the good of the 'community' which is ultimately your own, crazy mutant mosquitoes, fees for shit that don't/shouldn't require fees elsewhere, insane utility costs, doctors that can't recognize Lyme's Disease and shove metal rods up your nose (NOT FUCKING KIDDING), the legendary wrath and fury of the neighborhood 'obahan', absolutely shitty furniture, lack of giant slabs of cheap meat, no roll-on deodorant, toothpaste without fluoride, assholes running for election to shitty local posts (the noisiest most obnoxious motherfuckers ever that run their mouthes on mobile loudspeakers non-stop), no conveniet real-size ovens, no REAL peanut butter except for import stores, movies from the US agonizingly late (300 comes out in June), Sprite sold in stores only 6 months out of the year and annoying Japanese people that suck at English but wanna be your best friend and refuse to speak in Japanese resulting in 4 minutes of "Ummmmmmmmmmmm" before an inaudible phrase is uttered.
Wow lol you know that made me rethink my plan a little
and you'll like 300 hundred when you get it
Well don't get your hopes too high.
I'll stand up for it when it's being portrayed in an unrealistic light but a bastion of awesome it ain't.
You have to seriously love Japanese culture to make it here. And that goes way beyond anime. So far beyond anime in fact, it made my head spin like a mofo after my maiden voyage.
Living in Japan means doing without central heating, many major restaurants without non-smoking sections, chauvanistic assholes, 'uwasa', the gaijin profiling, knowing exactly when and how to bite the bullet for the good of the 'community' which is ultimately your own, crazy mutant mosquitoes, fees for shit that don't/shouldn't require fees elsewhere, insane utility costs, doctors that can't recognize Lyme's Disease and shove metal rods up your nose (NOT FUCKING KIDDING), the legendary wrath and fury of the neighborhood 'obahan', absolutely shitty furniture, lack of giant slabs of cheap meat, no roll-on deodorant, toothpaste without fluoride, assholes running for election to shitty local posts (the noisiest most obnoxious motherfuckers ever that run their mouthes on mobile loudspeakers non-stop), no conveniet real-size ovens, no REAL peanut butter except for import stores, movies from the US agonizingly late (300 comes out in June), Sprite sold in stores only 6 months out of the year and annoying Japanese people that suck at English but wanna be your best friend and refuse to speak in Japanese resulting in 4 minutes of "Ummmmmmmmmmmm" before an inaudible phrase is uttered.
And more.
But seriously. There's a LOT of annoying shit that everyone/anyone considering staying here long-term MUST consider. Like men that have air sex.
lol what kind of toothpaste is that?
dont all toothpaste have fluoride?
But… Japan is a magical world where everyone likes anime, sexy Japanese schoolgirls will be all over you, everyone flies in giant robots, and no one will ever beat you up or call you names ever again...
hey, I was thinking today. Japan is known for it's advanced technology, and smart people. I find it funny, that the comforts we have here are not as easily obtained in japan. Maybe it's just a perspective on life. ( how can you miss central heating if you've never had it)
It makes me think, what do japanese think when they come over here? I know they have different kinds of pillows there. I heard a guy hated our fluffy filled pillows over here, and looked around for a traditional japanese pillow.
Wow. Next they're going to make a game for the PS3 which shows your partner on the screen.
It makes me think, what do japanese think when they come over here?
You know how people in the US (anime fans in particular) dream about Japan and what it has to offer? For every one of them there are probably two Japanese individuals thinking the same exact thing about the US and even more about abroad in general.
If I were reborn in Japan and somehow had knowledge of my previous life, I would probably go insane from the routine and mundane bullshit they have to go throughin life, particular in school and at work. Granted this is generally speaking. Not EVERY school or institution of work has the same boundaries, but a lot do and all of them at least have a level of heirarchy and routine that is mind-numbing.
Now, for many/most Japanese people, the above works. In fact, if the tables were changed and I was reborn in the US after a life in Japan, the freedom and choices allowed me probably would be too much for me to handle. But some people here desire it.
With regards to some of my rant above, many people that love the US (or other foreign countries) have similar lengthy complaints that WE take for the norm.
No school uniforms means having to choose your clothes each and every morning. Guns are available for purchase. The food is too greasy and big. People speak too bluntly and to the point. Expressions of love between couples in public like kissing are embarassing to onlookers. Eating in a bus or train is not 'normal'. Everyone knows about the shoes of course. Drugs are a far bigger problem. A lack of routine and strict heirarchy in public work place is uncomfortable. In work-related activities, individuals are not as willing to 'take one for the team' when it comes to business trips or overtime. And so on.
Now many of the above have perfectly good reasons for existing in our culture and we're used to them, but to a Japanese individual they may seem just as inexplicable and annoying/unpleasant as my complaints. That's not really something we can help because it's who we are and how we're raised. The idea is to find a good balance of good and take.
Some you accept. Some you reject. And some you tactfully deal with.
For instance, I accept gaijin profiling. In fact, I rather enjoy it especially when people talk about me when they think I can't understand. Sometimes I'll let them know I know what they're doing, sometimes I laugh it off but I never take it personally. It's just who they are.
As far as rejecting stuff, I completely ignore trash regulation. Trash separation in Japan seems to be a relic of strict Imperial rule. It's almost Nazi-like in practice. I fucking hate separating garbage and having community pick-up centers. So I lump all my shit together and put it out at 12AM when everyone is asleep so the watchful obahans can't see me.
And dealing tactfully with, when there are elections going on instead of putting a sign out my window telling them to shut the fuck up, I'll go to my girlfriend's for the weekend to get some rest.
It's all in your perspective and your goals. I do all this because:
A. I wanna kick ass at Japanese
B. It's fantastic to be close to my girlfriend
C. I've wanted to be a teacher in Japan for about 5 years
D. Every Monday I can go to school and talk to 400+ kids about the latest chapter of OP
If you don't have strong goals or purposes, Japan is a death-trap for the unsuspecting foreigner. But if you recognize the worst it can throw at you and still deal with it, you're set. That's why I ALWAYS suggest people study abroad here somewhere that ISN'T a big city so they can see what the REAL Japan is like before they develop any dreams about coming here.
You know these stories about occidental people getting nervous breakdowns after visiting India because they couldn't cope with the smell, the noise, the death in the streets and overall the huge cultural shock? I heard there was the same thing for japanese people going to France, especially Paris.
They basically expect something out of a shojo manga, the country of arts and quality of life with refined gentlemen everywhere and have to be repatriated when they figure out the city is actually full of rude hostile assholes and young roms who're after their Vuitton bags.
If it's true I find it hilarious… and pretty sad at the same time.
I think I'd find Japan pretty fun, actually.
But my girlfriend wouldn't. So in America I stay.
And if I ever visit France, it'll be for the art…
They do still have art there, don't they? ...Somewhere?
They basically expect something out of a shojo manga, the country of arts and quality of life with refined gentlemen everywhere and have to be repatriated when they figure out the city is actually full of rude hostile assholes and young roms who're after their Vuitton bags.
Did you know if you look at Versailes (sp) from an aerial view it looks frighteningly similar to Mickey Mouse? Dead serious. Not just 3 circles, a face and body.
You know these stories about occidental people getting nervous breakdowns after visiting India because they couldn't cope with the smell, the noise, the death in the streets and overall the huge cultural shock? I heard there was the same thing for japanese people going to France, especially Paris.
It's the same with America, and even Texas. Heck, I still get asked if I ride around on horseback. (..Not that I don't know families that do, but they have cars too.) Probably one of my biggest peeves is for people to assume that every southerner is a dumb religious fanatic or something. And for America, people invision us as either super beautiful and handsome, or as a bunch of stupid fat people, and needless to say both groups are going to be disappointed to learn they've been stereotyping.
Did you know if you look at Versailes (sp) from an aerial view it looks frighteningly similar to Mickey Mouse? Dead serious. Not just 3 circles, a face and body.
That's what you call a hidden Mickey! :D
High tech, mecha war vaginas.
You know these stories about occidental people getting nervous breakdowns after visiting India because they couldn't cope with the smell, the noise, the death in the streets and overall the huge cultural shock? I heard there was the same thing for japanese people going to France, especially Paris.
It's not just the culture-shock, but the academic stuff as well; this Japanese kid who came to my (high) school last year had a lot of trouble with Pre-Calculus even though he's supposed to be an excellent math student. He wasn't the best English student but he was better than most, and my sister was there to assist him.
Now, this is the public school system of the STATE OF CALIFORNIA. As in, the forty-eighth best state in the union. I thought Japanese mathematics was tougher?
No school uniforms means having to choose your clothes each and every morning. Guns are available for purchase. The food is too greasy and big. People speak too bluntly and to the point. Expressions of love between couples in public like kissing are embarassing to onlookers. Eating in a bus or train is not 'normal'. Everyone knows about the shoes of course. Drugs are a far bigger problem. A lack of routine and strict heirarchy in public work place is uncomfortable. In work-related activities, individuals are not as willing to 'take one for the team' when it comes to business trips or overtime. And so on.
well I think I can totally see eye to eye with japanese here. :) still, the things you menchioned would be a bother too. Thanks greg. this is so interesting.
D. Every Monday I can go to school and talk to 400+ kids about the latest chapter of OP
best teacher EVER! XD
Oh I understand Japan is no magical place, it has as much problems as any place does. I'm just in it for the culture and reference, if I would to move to Japan I'd probably only stay there for 3-4 years, that is if things don't turn up.
well I think I can totally see eye to eye with japanese here. :) still, the things you menchioned would be a bother too. Thanks greg. this is so interesting.
Well just to play Devil's Advocate.
In not weaing a school uniform, you don't get a chance to express individuality. I know this seems like an age-old mantra but when you're in Japan where literally everyone under the age of 19 you see every day is wearing a uniform, suddenly everyone looks the same. The uniform serves several important cultural purposes in Japan that I won't get into, but here's the problem. Kids in Japan today want individuality. But they also like the uniform. This has led to students accessorizing or otherwise altering their uniforms/appearance in other ways. This has created a large rift between faculty and students in many schools. For instance, our male students wear ties here. Not wearing your tie is equivalent to wearing a shirt that says, "Fuck You!" in HS in the States. Yesterday I saw a kid get sent home just to get his tie. The faculty also has the 'best' interest in mind because a school with disheveled or 'different' levels of being unkempt, it makes the school look bad.
Not having guns in Japan makes the people beyond paranoid and something I can only describe as 'fucking stupid'. There are people who say with a STRAIGHT face, "I'm afraid of going to America because I don't want to get shot." I'm not kidding.
As far as food that's bad for you, you'd be surprised how much you miss the occassional carton of ice cream (yeah, no cartons here, mostly miniscule Hagen Daaz at extreme prices) or hunk of meat.
People speaking too bluntly is something we all take for granted. It's just how we are. In Japan although it's not some secretive and humble society where everyone hides their true feelings, there are clear subtle times/places that require one to hold back what they would want to say. And, even though it's 'subtle' it still sucks not being able to say, "You know, I really don't like this."
Anyway, I hope you see what I mean. In the culture game there's really no right or wrong, just different perspectives and you have to totally be open to them. That's why so many people that come here not knowing what the real Japan is like head back with their tail between their legs because they don't just roll with the tide. ^O^
I know this seems like an age-old mantra but when you're in Japan where literally everyone under the age of 19 you see every day is wearing a uniform, suddenly everyone looks the same.
As an asian, I find it particulary easy to tell the difference between other asians.
As an asian, I find it particulary easy to tell the difference between other asians.
As a caucasian living/traveling to Japan and studying East Asian culture for 10 years I find it easy to tell not only the difference between Asian individuals, but also identify which country they're from.
I wasn't talking about facial features, I'm talking about the crowd of suit jacketed or gakuran-wearing zombies that wander the country each morning and evening to and from school.
I can totally second all the stuff Greg's talking about here. I mean, shit, I was in Japan for barely three weeks and I was dying for a decent cheeseburger at the end of my trip. (The best I got was a tofu cheeseburger at a Lawson's)
Maybe we just need to come up with a memorandum. 'You don't know Japan until you've taught English or gotten hit by a monk'.
Hee hee. So true.
But seriously, while I don't think any outsider can ever understand Japan (or any other country than their own) the best way to get a grip on the shyt it can fling at you is to spend a few months in the countryside commuting to and from your school/place of work.
Although I'm still finding things I like/despise about the place, it was the long and cold winter I spent riding two bikes and a train to school each morning that I realized the kind of hell the place can be ^O^
And again, not to be totally negative. There are plenty of good things about it. The other thing I hate are people who spend time here, hate it and complain about it as if they are experts on the topic while not bothering to understand anything about it. Ugh. Those people swarm to Big Daikon in droves.
People speaking too bluntly is something we all take for granted. It's just how we are. In Japan although it's not some secretive and humble society where everyone hides their true feelings, there are clear subtle times/places that require one to hold back what they would want to say. And, even though it's 'subtle' it still sucks not being able to say, "You know, I really don't like this."
I actually find this portrayed in anime quite well. in fact, just getting into death note; light even makes menchion of this when he gets the death note. He talks about kids in school, and how they state the politacly correct answer, to please everyone. (killing is wrong) but what "everyone" thinks inside, is that bad people should die.
I get what you are trying to get at though. No matter what people think they know, they really don't know until they've really experinced it hands on. And it is a challenge to overcome some of the cultural differences. There is no dout in my mind that it would be a challenge of some sort for me to overcome. I like the modesty that japanese culture has though. If you haven't noticed I live very modestly myself. I think this is one of the things I would enjoy, about the change in culture, if I went to Japan.
As an asian, I find it particulary easy to tell the difference between other asians.
I'm not an asain, and I can't tell the difference between asains :P ok, well I can, but not at a glance. I have to turn around and observe who I'm looking at for a moment. I think everyone is like that, with people of different backgrounds that they are not used to seeing. (I grew up in a place with absolutely no cultural diversity)
I like the modesty that japanese culture has though.
Again, not trying to be an asshole by constantly pointing out stuff, just offering another view. As much as you'll find modesty present in some places and times, there will be days when you walk outside and see a man pissing on the street or spitting on the floor indoors.
Not trying to crush anyone's dreams. It rocks here and although no place can replace home I wouldn't trade being here for anything.
"greg, you asshole" >.>
kidding. your no problem. I'm enjoying this actually. and spitting and peeing on things, well those people you can find anywhere.
so, what else ya got for me :)
Really??? Cause it took me by surprise when a guy walked out onto the street and pissed on a tree in the middle of an intersection in Tokyo. I've never seen that before.
And you've see people literally hocking loogies on the floor indoors???
I guess it's part of my own culture (or Canada's culture) I'm just not familiar with ^_^;
I've seen indoor spitting quite a bit.
I've also seen guys pissing outdoors, but I don't think I've ever seen a total stranger do it.
As a caucasian living/traveling to Japan and studying East Asian culture for 10 years I find it easy to tell not only the difference between Asian individuals, but also identify which country they're from.
I wasn't talking about facial features, I'm talking about the crowd of suit jacketed or gakuran-wearing zombies that wander the country each morning and evening to and from school.
I remember how I was in my dorm's commons area, and some morons were watching Family Guy in a nearby room. I could hear what was going on; it was an episode where the Griffins go to the asian part of town (might've been called "little tokyo" or something, I forget and it doesn't matter). They did some gag where Peter Griffin said "OH MY GOD JACKIE CHAN" to every person he saw, because "ha ha all rook same."
And then they were a mirror of that gag where an asian guy confused all of the Griffins for an American celebrity (I forget who). And one of the morons watching was like "YEAH EXCEPT WE HAVE DIFFERENT EYE COLOR, HAIR COLOR" and so on. I almost wanted to come in and yell at him for being such a dumbass.
I've seen indoor spitting quite a bit.
I've also seen guys pissing outdoors, but I don't think I've ever seen a total stranger do it.
Wow, I've never seen spitting indoors in the US. That's definitely a new one for me.
Rainbow Music The More You Know and fade
And yeah, total strangers, not like a drunk buddy. They're not even drunk. It's not like a country road either, it's just literally out there and even on people's property. I mean, I guess it happens anywhere we just don't see it, but this is a routine thing I'll see.
Whatever, when you gotta go, you gotta go.
And then they were a mirror of that gag where an asian guy confused all of the Griffins for an American celebrity (I forget who). And one of the morons watching was like "YEAH EXCEPT WE HAVE DIFFERENT EYE COLOR, HAIR COLOR" and so on. I almost wanted to come in and yell at him for being such a dumbass.
I had black hair but now it's a dark brown because of all the sunlight. One of my friend's hair colour is dark, dark brown. Another's is dark-medium brown. My best friend's hair is dark-dark brown.
True dat.
Really??? Cause it took me by surprise when a guy walked out onto the street and pissed on a tree in the middle of an intersection in Tokyo. I've never seen that before.
And you've see people literally hocking loogies on the floor indoors???
I guess it's part of my own culture (or Canada's culture) I'm just not familiar with ^_^;
OH, well when you specify like that. ya, not in the middle of a busy intersection, and not indoors. I'm sure there ARE people like that out there though.
story from my ex. Him and his friends were wondering the streets of downtown Toronto in the middle of the night, once. They stopped at this all night coffee shop. There was some mental guy there, stood on a table, dropped his pants, and started $%^# in his underwear. They quickly left leaving the guy running the shop in the middle of the night to call the cops.
there's all sorts out there.