I'm just saying, if he ever wants to pick it up again, he needs to start from the beginning. He's skipped so many of the new chapters, and has polluted his mind with other stuff that I doubt he even knows what the stories about anymore. He can't reach the true emotional impact that Oda wants us to come to without really really knowing One Piece. I only want him to enjoy the manga. So he needs to re-read it.
That reminds me. He's not allowed to speed read it either. You won't believe how far he reads chapters, not taking the time to fully appreciate the artwork nor understand what's going on in the panels. I try to tell him it's not a book. There's pictures for a reason. He read the latest Harry Potter book in 1 day. That's nuts, but I feel it takes away from the atmosphere if you do that. Ah! I'm rambling. Sorry.