When I paste the URL of an image from photobucket into the box a little box with an x in it shows up, what could be causing that? for example
Images don't show up
Wait, just the URL of the picture into the quick reply box? You aren't being too clear, but that's what I'm assuming.
First, you need to click the "Insert Image" button, which is over the quick reply box, represented as tiny, yellow thumbnail that looks like a portrait. Then, another box should pop up, then you insert the image URL in there and press "OK".
Was that the problem?
Yep, only it's not the quick reply box, but the one that shows up when you select "post reply", It's the same result with either though, sorry for not being specific enough, I have trouble when it comes to describing problems. Anyway, yeah that is the problem, when I do post the image nothing shows up, as shown above, just a little box with an x, also, because of this I can't add a picture to my signature
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I looked at the text in your first post (by doing "quote reply") and you seemed to have screwed up the url.
I only pasted it there from another site, how did it screw up?
When I paste the URL of an image from photobucket into the box a little box with an x in it shows up, what could be causing that? for examplehttp://http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q297/Acebecool/ththc0674923.gif
This is what I see.
you have an extra http://
Just remove it in your link, and:
Thats really strange, thats never happened before, I'll try that
Edit: Oh I see what happened, the fact that the box already had http:// in it and when I pasted the image in there it repeated it