Anyone watch this hsow?
Are you smarter than a 5th grader?
Anyone watch this hsow?
No because the premise seems quote stupid / I dont' believe theres a single person who remembers everything they learned in elementary school
Which is funny, because you learn the most important things in elementary school…
This show peaked somewhere around episode 2. It gets old watching contestants be laughed at the audience and given actual cheats to figure out such tough answers.
If I recall, there is/was a Canadian show called "Talking to Americans." Now that was pretty funny.
lol its a show?
i was just gonna come in and say Yes, im smarter XD
Do I remember pointless facts?
Do I remember concepts, ideas and big picture results?
Do I know how to research and find the answers to pointless fact questions quickly when/if I need to?
I even remember pointless facts. Even conversations I had at that time. But the show still sounds really stupid.
Should have been a one shot show called Are you smarter than Jeff Foxworthy? And they quickly answer no, because he's getting paid to be a part of this crap.
this show is useless, because, as i've been told on the digitalpanic irc chan:
"the fact that you are american means that you are a lot smarter than the average man"
so of course you are all smarter than a 5th grader XDDD
Which is funny, because you learn the most important things in elementary school…
Like that Venus shines brightest at night, which is very important when I want to sound like a nerd
and come on, we all know those kids were fed those answers before the show
Which is funny, because you learn the most important things in elementary school…
Math is important?
No, actually, you learn the basics in elentary school after like 3rd grade you've learned everything you really need. Math especially after that is pointless unless you want to be good at extreme physics, accounting, or just any job requiring large math problems.
Really, I think it could be done so much better if everyone picked and choosed what they liked and were better at. I know 5th graders that can easily do 11th grade stuff. By that logic a 3rd grader could probably figure out 8th grade stuff.
I looked this show up online to understand it, and it makes no sense. So if you can't awnser the hardest questions out of a text book you are an idiot not worthy of the 5th grade?
Hardly, I doubt a 5th grader reads their text books that much, in fact most books are out-dated and smarter people know the new "facts", which keep changing. Also, I'm pretty sure the textbook is their as a basic guide to wha tthey'll learn potentially, and most work isn't done with a book or anything related to it.
and what about the lifelines..Copy and Cheat?
I think this show is a setup cause I KNOW no one that went to college can get "4 divided by 2 = wait…..." wrong.
I always watch this show. But this week it got switched to the SAME time Survivor's on. :(
But yeah, it's still a pretty funny show. Some people are huge majors in big universities and they couldn't answer simple questions like
"How many sides does a Rhombus have?"
"What time period are we in?" (cenazoic,etc.)I admit, even I can't answer most of these questions. But some of the questions made me wonder if they actually really do teach them this stuff in elementary..
Like that Venus shines brightest at night
…..................I don't recall ever learning that.
I may not use my IQ, but I'm clever in life. And that's all that matters.
Seen it once, and the adults have got to be acting to make the kids look smart, especially when a woman can't answer this question:
"How many sides does a trapezoid have?"
and then claims that the only shape with four sides is the square.
yeah i watched made me laugh