No, I'm going away in half an hour, and may not be back till Friday
Q) so this proposes the question…...given that I am going away, and the world is all round, how many Chopper forms does it take to satisfy Robin in bed?
No, I'm going away in half an hour, and may not be back till Friday
Q) so this proposes the question…...given that I am going away, and the world is all round, how many Chopper forms does it take to satisfy Robin in bed?
A) as many as I feel is neccessary.
Q) Satan=Beelzebub and Beelzebub translated=Lord of the flies. who knew? I finnaly get the title of that book now XD
A: I knew.
Q: Blackbeard looks like the evil witch from Snowwhite (?)… why?
A) Because they're twins!
Q) Are they really?
A) only in the winter wtf!
Q) who want to be Maikeru's friend, eh?
A) I'll be your friend, if you promise to stop trying to kill me.
Q) Do we have a deal?
A) boom
Q) do I win a prize
A) Sure, you get to die! XD
Q) Where would you rather die? In your closet? Your attic? or Your basement?
A) In my bathroom
Q) Hey! What's going on in there!?
A) I don't even wanna know.
Q) Why there?
A: He really had to go.
Q: What did he eat?
A) Some bad tacos. XD
Q) Where did he get them?
A: He made them himself.
Q: How many times has he flushed by now?
A) Two thousand! XD
Q) Will you help me with my homework?
Q:Please wish me good luck of universal proportions. Please.:D 16 chars.
Good luck of universal proportions!
Why does Mr_Dark need luck?
A) Because he's going to get married.
Q) Should I get married too? =/
Nah. Marriage isn't any fun.
Why isn't it fun?
A) Umm….Umm...'Cause you might marry an evil person? o.o
Q) Is that it? XD
A) hey, where are all the money girls!?:devil:
Q1) Thank you amai chan!
Q2) Am I an evil person then?
A1) I'm jealous of your sig now! T^T
A2) Yes, you are!
Q) I feel so unloved! T^T Hug? XD
Q) why is KL immune to my boom buttons and levers?
A) Because I am immortal! Mwahahahahahahaha!!!
Q) What is the real reason?
A) Because I'm bad at making explosives
Q) Cheese 'n' Rice!
A) Shut up! I'm starving! T^T
Q) Feed me?
A) here
Q) There's Not Enough Mustard!
A) I don't want any mustard!
Q) What is that anyway? o.o
A) Ratatouille smile!
Q) waz it better with the olive oil?
A) No! You're only making me more hungry! Stop it! T^T
Q) Why do you torture me so? T^T
A) because I am Mojo Jojo!!!
Q) do the spoilers in my new signature reflect on me well?
Of course. Anything relating to lack of sanity describes you perfectly.
q1) Are as happy as I am that I finally decided to buy vol's 15 & 16 of OP thus making my OP manga collection up to date lol?
q2) Why am I talking like a smart person?
does happy dance
A1) Ha! I'm ahead! I have all those plus japanese volumes 42 and 44! I'm soi much uber cooler than you! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahah!
A2) because you are smart enough to make this B-A-U-TIFUL signature XD
Q) How long will it take for me to get my Bleach volumes up to date?
A) Exactly 1,000 years. You better get going. ;)
Q) When will the local bookstore have Volume 5 of Eureka Seven? T^T
A) Until your toes fall off (8
Q) Why is the new guy trying to eat me?
A) Because you're tasty? XD
Q) Should I steal Amai-chan's One Piece manga collection?
A) no, but you can have my Naruto volumes….......please….......they put nightmares in my head at night.....:sad:
Q) will someone take them?
A) Sure, I'll take them. I know a guy who'll buy them from me.
Q) Why not burn them? =/
And pollute the enviroment! Nevverrrr.
Am I cool =P?
Q) ahh! you woke me up!
A) I say, that sprite represents you quite well. XD
Q) Which kind sprite represents me? o.o
(You liar maikeru! He looks nothing like me! >.< )
Q) Close? XD
Not really xD
! Ew I look funny.
Lime Sorbet?
A) keylime pie!
Q) ooh, growth spurt!
( I was pretty close Amai-chan. XD And nonsense! You look great on that pic.^^)
A) She was cuter in the other one. T^T
Q) Should I skip class today? shifty eyes
A: No, you should burst into the classroom and drop kick the first person you see and tea-bag them
Q: Will this make you a legend?
A) No, it will make me a fugitive.
Q) Why are you so violent? XD
Q) what would be my real sprite?
Yup. That's about right. XD
Q) Mine is awesome! Isn't it?