Its canon that says they are equal. period
You said you know its canon….......why are you ignoring canon???????
They are equal.
We are off topic lets take this to the shanks and grap thread.
I posted this in the other thread, but I'll give a summary here:
If one goes by the Red Book, then Zoro is more powerful since he has much more dexterity and intelligence than Luffy. The red book isn't an indicator of fighting ability. Zoro and Luffy at 6 strength is simply a way of saying that a fight between them wouldn't be decided easily
On an added note: ability does not mean utility. Zoro might have more intelligence than Luffy, but Zoro seems to be a straight forward fighter, while Luffy has shown use of trickery like afro mirror and water Luffy. Generally in shonen manga, will power is half the deciding factor in a fight.
Whether or not Luffy says he'll "beat" shanks, his speech is more of a gesture than a literal. Shanks and Luffy won't fight for One Piece. Currently there seems to be three confirmed people looking for One Piece: WB, BB, and Luffy. If Luffy and Shanks fight, it'll be friendly, like Coby vs. Luffy.